Chapter 8

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After wandering around the academy with both Nobara and Megumi, I was finally sat in the headmaster's office, sipping my cup of tea and enjoying the cold AC air on my inflamed skin. It was really hot around here.

Strolling with those kids, I got the chance to know them a little better. They were both first years, because apparently, there were only three first year students this year, and I already met two of them but the third one was on a training mission with their teacher, according to what they told me.

Megumi was injured because of the last mission they had, so he was resting in the past two days and that was why the girl was so excited to see him doing and feeling okay earlier.

I tried my best to control myself, not to shift my full attention to him and load all the questions I wanted to ask him. So I kept talking to both of them, even if I was not interested in knowing more about the girl, Nobara.

The door opened and I lifted my face up to see who walked in. A tall and a masculine man walked through. He was wearing black glasses over his eyes and had a weird looking goatee around his lips, that obviously didn't fit his jawline very well. I stood up to greet him.

"Oh, no need, please, sit down." He told me in his thick and deep voice, I thanked him and sat back down, crossing my knees and smiling to him.

"I'm Masamichi, Yaga. The headmaster of Tokyo's Jujutsu Academy, and you must be Ania.." He took the seat behind his desk and then reached his hand across to me.

"Yes, I am, nice to meet you, sir." I shook his hand warmly. "Your school is amazing, honestly, it's so big and so beautiful."

"Haha, thank you, I'm glad you liked it." He said then pulled out some papers from a drawer on his desk. "So you applied to become a teacher here, Miss..." He paused, shuffling the papers in his hands, searching for what I was dreading to acknowledge.

My stomach lurched and my insides started twisting. Why didn't I use a different name for the application? This's going to raise a lot of red flags around me.

"Oh.." Yaga lifted his brows at the papers in his hands then tilted his face up to look at me. "Fushiguro?" He said and I nodded my head once at him, trying to keep myself gathered and act as normal as possible.

"I'm sorry for asking this, but are you related to one of our students here, Megumi?"

Yup, that was what I've been dreading...

"Umm... No.. Sir.." I shook my head, then nodded. "Yes, to be honest, I met the kid and was surprised to see him here. I'm a relative to his mother, a very far relative." I said as I gave him a weak smile.

This was my first day here, no, my first two hours here and I was already lying my way through! So much for a new beginning...

"I see." Yaga shifted his eyes from me and back to the papers, he started scratching his goatee with his fingers.

I cleared my throat "Sir!"

The headmaster lifted his head back at me. "Can I keep this matter private? I mean, the whole relative thing. I just don't want to cause any confusion here.." I gave him a pleading look. "I would appreciate it if this stays between us, I would like to go with another last name around here, if that's okay?"

Yaga furrowed his brows, still shifting his gaze between me and the papers then he finally nodded. "Of course, I guess. I don't see a problem with having a relative at school but you have your reasons and I respect that of course. Miss..." He trailed off.

"Kubo.." I told him, "Ania Kubo."

Yaga smiled then dropped the papers on the desk. "Welcome to our school, Miss Kubo."

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