Chapter 7

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I was lost this time. I arrived at the school fifteen minutes ago and I've been wandering the grounds aimlessly, trying to locate where the reception office was or even catching a single person to ask them where it was, but there was no one. It was like a ghost town in here. And very much different than our school back in Kyoto. Plus, there were no guards at the doors! How could they keep this place safe was a complete mystery to me.

I stopped under a cherry tree to shield myself from the blazing hot sun of midday. Feeling like I was about to melt, I took off my black leather jacket and threw it over my shoulder. It was too hot for a jacket anyway, what was I thinking?

So I stayed only in my tank top, trying to cool off as I felt the light breeze drying my sweaty face and arms.

Was it a holiday today or something? I thought. This school really looked like a joke already to me, because literally anyone can walk in here whenever they liked.

Feeling the anxiety rising in me once again, I reached for my pants back pocket and pulled another cigarette out, this ought to do it.

Few minutes went by and I finally heard some distanced footsteps coming from behind me. I dragged a heavy inhale from my cigarette before turning around, my long and black hair moving with the breeze as I did.

"Can I help you?" I heard the girl's dull voice before I saw her face, then I looked down and our eyes met. She was a few inches shorter than me, her hair was a copper shade of orange and barely reaching her shoulders. She rested her hands on her waist while kept carrying that smug look on her face, like she was better than to be talking to me.

My eyes landed on the school's pin in her jacket and I lifted an eyebrow at her. Deciding not to put out my cigarette, I dragged another breath. She was a student here, no need to be nervous or formal with her, but I decided to play along to see where this could go.

I puffed the smoke out, narrowing my eyes at her and leaning my elbow against the tree. "What's your name?" I asked.

She cocked her brow up. "Who wanna know?" She asked back and a playful smirk started playing on my lips. I could tell she was real bitchy.

"What year are you in?" I fired back another question to her question, tilting my fingers to the side to flick my ashes.

The girl shrugged and shifted to cross her arms in front of her chest. "Why do you care?"

I let out a chuckle, moving the cigarette once again up to my lips, taking another hit. "I like you already, girl, but I need to know your name to introduce myself." I said, looking at the ground as I exhaled the stream of smoke.

"Tell me your name first and I'll think about telling you mine!" She said, her voice carried a challenging tone that made me chuckle again.

I threw the cigarette butt to the ground and stepped on it with my heavy boot. "Alright, kid. I'm not giving up to you, I just need to go about my day..." I sighed and ran my hand through my now long bangs. "My name is Ania, Ania Fushi..."

"FUSHIGURO!!" The girl suddenly shouted.

My body jolted and swayed back a little, frowning at her, surprised how the hell she knew my last name? But then I caught her eyes looking behind me as I started hearing other footsteps coming closer.

She quickly rushed past me, and I turned after her. Her body covered whoever was standing in front of her as she hugged him tightly, and I only saw strands of jet black hair peeking through from the sides.

My stomach dropped when my mind recalled what she just said, what she shouted. Why the fuck would she scream that name? My brain then started connecting the dots quickly, not giving me a second to process... there's no fucking way...

Then she moved, and my heart stopped for a second and I felt it dropping to the ground, maybe rolling a few feet away from where I was standing... this couldn't be true!

I could see the boy now, clear as the sunlight we were standing under. My heart started thudding heavily in my chest, too weak to endure what I was witnessing. And it was like a lid had been opened in me, and everything I've been keeping brimming inside decided to burst open and flood everything at once...

His black hair, his dark green eyes, his chin, his pointed nose, even the shape of his ears... he was like a younger replica of him, of my love, Toji!

My heart started wringing in pain, too shocked of what I was seeing. What the fuck was I thinking? Coming to this school without checking the names of who the fuck studied in it? Because of course, it'd be only natural for him to enroll in this school!

They started walking back towards me, I didn't know what expressions my face was giving the boy, but he seemed too focused on me. Which made me lose all my demeanor and I was left without knowing how to act or what to say.

"Okay, strange woman, what's your name again?" The girl asked, retrieving her old smug behavior. But I didn't look at her, my brows were still furrowed at the boy behind her, who was looking at me so contemptibly. His eyes met mine and I felt exposed, and bare. Like he could see what's inside. Like he was peering into my soul, into my memories, and my past...

I gulped, my throat too dry, then turned my head to the girl's direction first and my eyes followed, forcing a smile as I said. "I'm Ania Kubo, the new teacher here.."

Yes, changing my last name was a good idea at that moment.

The girl's face fell and I started to see the awkwardness of the situation she just got herself into settling inside her. But I turned my face away from her to the boy again. "What's your name, kid?" I asked, nodding my head at him and ignoring the huffs from the girl next to us.

And while I kind of knew the answer to my question, I still felt my stomach lurching in anticipation. Because I wasn't ready to actually hear it, for my speculations to become real and true...

"I'm Fushiguro, Megumi." He told me, his voice so deep, so strong, so like his father's. And my heart sank at his words. I tried my hardest to stay calm, to look normal, while my whole body felt like it was about to collapse right there under that tree.

"Nice to meet you, Fushiguro." I reached my hand for him, shaking his warm and sweaty hand. He was nervous, that was obvious, yet he was also too careful. His whole aura felt so strong and so pure. He was really his son..

"Hey, what about me? I'm Kugisaki, Nobara." She butted in between us.

I glanced at her and let go of Megumi's hand. "Nice to meet you as well, Nobara." I didn't shake her hand, I just smirked and reached for my bags on the floor and threw them at her.

"Come on, you two better show me around and take me to your headmaster's office." I said as I started walking before them. Having no idea where I was going, but I just wanted to turn and hide my face away from them, for a few seconds, just so I could process what just happened and how am I supposed to feel about it...

What am I going to do about it?

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