Chapter 25

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Stupid.. stupid.. stupid! I'm stupid! I kept repeating these words in my head, not exaggerating the stupidity I was feeling right then. How much more stupid can I get?

Pausing those thoughts momentarily, "Thank you, have a lovely day." I managed to say and fake a small smile as I took the packet of cigarettes from the elderly man behind the counter.

Shoving my wallet back in my pocket, I walked out of the convenience store. The early morning air welcomed me and I quickly opened the new pack of cigarettes. Putting one thin roll between my lips, I started flickering my lighter. It was too windy today and the rushing air was blowing at my face and hair, so I turned towards a wall on my side and covered my mouth with my palm, while the other hand was flickering my lighter again.

When it was finally lit, I dragged a long and heavy breath and held it in for a few seconds before exhaling it, feeling that old familiar sensation soothing my mind. Then I started walking my way back to the school.

It was still early and I needed time to think straight before facing Satoru again in today's classes. What happened yesterday was all I could think about. I didn't get enough sleep either, I kept tossing and turning alone in my bed. Just thinking about what I blurted out in a state of anger, which now, I regret so fucking much.

I know I was hasty, I know I told him things I didn't mean. And my pride is too freaking humongous to take it all back now, it'll only make me look more stupid to him and he wouldn't ever take anything I say seriously again.

I know I still want him in my life, I know I like him, and most importantly, I know I need his love. Because, as much as this scares me, I know my feelings are growing deeper and greater towards him. As hard as I tried to take it slow between us, I couldn't stop it. Yet, I went and blew it all out yesterday...

I kicked an empty can of soda on the sidewalk with my boot as I was walking, then I stopped and turned to pick it up, throwing it in the nearest garbage bin, dirty fuckers!

I sighed to myself then started walking again. But really, it's not like I'm the only one at fault here. Because he fucked up as much as I did! By saying what he said, and how he always acted so ignorant and so insensitive when it came to my past, he blurts things out without thinking and makes hurtful judgments without taking the time to just put himself in my shoes first.. this is what really pissed me off yesterday. And if he doesn't fix these things and stop doing them, then I don't know if I'll be able to really keep going with whatever we have together at the moment.

"Good morning, dear Ania." A deep man's voice startled me out of my thoughts when I reached the gates of the school.

Puffing my smoke quickly, I turned to the direction of it. Golden blonde hair and a yellow tie approaching me were the first things my eyes saw and I instantly smiled. "Hey, good morning, Mr. Nanami."

"What did I say about not needing those formalities with me! You're a close friend now." He said, a hint of a smile still playing on his lips and I nodded, putting my cigarette out.

"Out of habit.." I chuckled. "How are you, Kento? It's strange seeing you here at this time." I said as we both entered the school's ground.

"Yaga needed me today for a meeting, nothing serious, hopefully." He said and I noticed that he was holding his weapon with him under his jacket.

I pointed at it. "You don't believe in that hope yourself!"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, well, just incase there is a mission." He smiled a warm smile at me and I couldn't help but return it.

"Where's Gojo? I need to see him today as well." He asked. And the moment he mentioned Satoru's name my face frowned instantly and I turned to look ahead.

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