07 - Beeping Gone Sorry

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The plane carrying Travis, Katelyn, Zane, and Nana lands its solid feet on the runway. A wheeled staircase is pushed directly underneath the door that opens suddenly.

"Thank you for flying Phoenix Airlines! We hope to fly into the fire again!" a female tells everyone before turning on her heels and slamming the door.

Nana reaches over and loops her right arm around Zane's left one, her other hand is wheeling her suitcase behind her.

"I can already tell, the air is amazing!" Travis shouts and sniffs the air. "It smells just like paradise!"

He races down the staircase with Katelyn wheeling both her's and Travis's suitcases behind her. She takes her time as does Zane and Nana.

"Travis! Be careful! You'll fall-" she cuts herself off as Travis's face finds itself laying on sand. "On your face."

"Not even a minute in, and he's already face planting the sand." Zane grumbles. "How original."

"Zane, be nice. Travis is just excited!" Nana beams.

"So excited that he fell flat on his face the minute he walked out? I'll bet."

Melissa and Aphmau share a frowning expression after the former pockets her phone. "We can't just waltz up and ask her "We get the feeling that you aren't telling everything, so if you would be kind to explain your connection to the Ultima because my dad and brother's lives' are on the line," now can we?"

"If she's smart, she'll deny everything." Aphmau ponders. "Maybe, there might be another way."

The petite woman unlocks the bathroom door and flings it open, racing back towards the other females. Melissa sighs and walks behind her, coming to a direct halt when Aphmau stops in front of Isabelle.

"It's obvious you know something about Ultimas," Aphmau starts, "and I have a feeling you won't explain the knowledge you're aware of so, I have a bit of a proposition."

The brunette werewolf smiles. "I'm listening, Miss Aphmau."

"We work together to keep Ultimas hidden from the world. If the world isn't aware, then both bloodlines can be safe and a manhunt wouldn't be needed."

"A manhunt would occur no matter what. To the entire world, Ultimas are dangerous and must be put down to keep everyone safe. Your foolish idea of working together to keep the world unaware, is just that, foolish. It will only be a matter of time before Ultimas get exposed and if that happens, both bloodlines will be targeted and presumably taken out." Isabelle explains. "I'm sorry, Aphmau but we cannot work together."

Aphmau slumps to the ground then. "I tried." she whispers.


"So, just to make sure; Zane is rooming with Aaron, I'm rooming with KC, Katelyn and Travis are in some apartment they found, and Lucinda has no roommate, Garroth and Kim are sharing a room. Did I get everyone?" Aphmau asks aloud.

On the coffee table is a list of who's with who, just so her mother, Zane and Garroth's parents, and Aaron and Melissa's parents know where everyone is. Melissa sits on the chair across from her, with bare feet laying over the edge while her hand plays with her tail.

"That sounds about right." she comments.

"Good." the petite woman beams and folds the paper in half, handing it up to Rachel.

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