21 - Rivered Backside

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"We'll just have to find some other form of information to use instead." Alfred says. "But I got to go, talk to you two later!"

He moves to his feet and immediately runs off while Harper bends over to pick up a loose piece of paper. She hands it to Ethan, and for a brief moment; their hands touch. A warm tingling mixed with fuzzy electricity races through Ethan's body and when he glances at Harper, she feels the same exact thing.

"Sorry!" she quickly apologizes, taking her hand away; the tingling electricity fades a second after.

"No it's fine. What's on that paper anyways?" Ethan asks her.

"It's Alfred's list of things to figure out. You might not know him well enough but, he's had this for years. Every time he discovers a new intriguing aspect of reality, he writes it down; hoping to one day discover the hidden truth behind it." Harper explains. "He must've dropped it."

"Where does he live? I can give this to him." the teenaged werewolf hold the paper up.

Harper smiles. "He lives just down the road from the park. 1808 Mildred Road."

"Thanks!" Ethan tells her. "I'll see you tomorrow, maybe."

The red headed female lifts an arm up to wave as Ethan slowly retreats out of the park.

Henry sets his mug down on the dinning table. A black haired female stares at him while a gray haired woman fixates her navy blue eyes over in his direction.

"Mother," he begins. "Do you remember how I left to go to Starlight?"

The elderly woman hums. "Briefly. All you said was that it's an emergency. Nothing else, why?"

"That emergency was a young teenaged werewolf. And, get this: his wolf form looked exactly like David's only with a white muzzle and a white bandage around one of his front paws."

"I see you met your nephew." the elderly woman smiles. "He's a perfect blend of David and Isabelle."

"Wait, mother, are you saying big brother had a son?" the raven haired female gapes.

"Precisely, Eleanor."

Eleanor sinks back into her chair. "And I thought one nephew was bad."

"Grand Luna Mother! Regents," a frantic voice calls out as he moves to step directly in front of the three and bows out of respect. "I bring news."

He slips his hand into his shoulder bag and pulls out a rolled up scroll of some-sort, setting it down on the dining table. Henry waves his right hand and the scroll vanishes then reappears in his other hand.

"Thank you Ben." the elderly woman says as Ben takes another bow before stepping out of the room.

"It says,

Dear Henry, Ella, and Sophie,

My daughter, Harper, has just informed me of something I never thought was imaginable. In her friend's werewolf class at school, there was two new students. Alfred told her that the atmosphere dropped when one of the students walked in. And that his name is the same as her dream, Ethan. Now, I don't know if this is a coincidence but I swear Izzy told me she wanted to name her son Ethan, as that's what she and David agreed on.

Don't go asking me anything else about him for I've never met him.

With trust and respect,
Adeline Wisp. " Henry reads aloud.

"The atmosphere dropped?" Eleanor ponders. "I thought that's an ability only Lycans can have."

"It is, dear."

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