Chapter 41: Caramel Macchiato [Edited]

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The ride to the station seemed like the best one ever. Seemed...

"This is fun" a smile broke onto my face as I laid my eyes on Y/N's that were beaming with elation. This was the fifth time that she exclaimed how fun her experience had been so far. And seeing her this happy was surprisingly making me happier.

"It sure is" as the car rolled through the busy streets, I kept stealing glances at the twenty year old girl beside me, studying how she stared out at the sprinting trees. Her smooth yet messy curls twirled along the pacing wind and the soft smile sticking leisurely to her lips brightened up my day.

How did I even end up falling so deeply in love with her?

"So, what exactly are we gonna do on this extravagant date of ours?" Y/N asked with an anticipating stretch and almost immediately a colossal grin appeared on my face. I have had a few ideas about this. However, the time was limited and I had to get her to the station as soon as I could. So without wasting much, I shoved my car into a swift right turn, aiming for the nearby Starbucks' drive thru.

"Daebak, I love coffee" she exclaimed after guessing my intentions, making my smile grow wider, if that was even possible.

The birds humming to their mellifluous opera let us know that the jovial morning was here and a vivid sun kept shining brightly above our heads with no dark clouds daring to intervene. The day came with a novice juvenility and everything around us seemed to subsist in a harmonic sync. Maybe that's what love feels like, maybe that's how hope prevails.

There was a time when I hated Y/N with all my might. And I wonder if that past of ours was what was making our present this enticing. I mean, the negative part of our equation was already solved, there's no need for back calculating now. All we required to do now was to let the pieces fall together, the first little piece being this very moment that we ought to share together. A moment that would be salient in our story, the Jungkook & Y/N Story.

Under that very sun could be seen a massive Starbucks' sign from afar.

"There it is..." I announced before dragging the vehicle into the fairly empty drive thru.

It was 9 in the morning and the place seemed a bit raw from the previous night's closure still lingering in the air. Driving my car through the passage, I halted in front of the microphone box before placing my order.

"One Iced Caffe Americano and..." I glanced at Y/N, waiting for her to put forward her preferences.

"A Caramel Macchiato....grande"

"And a Caramel Macchiato Grande"

It took hardly ten minutes for the beverages to be placed in our laid out palms. Without letting a single second pass by I pulled the cup up to my anticipating lips and filled my mouth with a sip full of cold delicacy. Looking to the side I saw Y/N mirroring my actions and savoring every bit the caramel concoction. And I drove my car off, aiming for a secluded road next, craving for a few minutes of break with Y/N.

"I thought the station was the other way" Y/N implied, a mischievous glint dancing on her tone which I didn't fail to return.

"And that's why we are going this way. You see, I still have a few minutes before I throw you into the dungeon" I replied making her let out a playful scoff.

"Yeah right, the beautiful dungeon of Seoul"

The more I drove, the emptier the street got until we found ourselves in a relatively vacant path with just a few vehicles appearing every now and then. Taking the opportunity, I pulled the brakes stopping the car at a nook.

"So, what you wanna do?" the girl turned to face me with her eyebrows raised in curiosity.

"Talk" was my simple answer.

"Y/N, I know the circumstances with us right now is not very ideal and I understand how much stressed you might be at this moment. You took such a drastic decision in order to protect your loved ones and I respect you so much for that. But I have no idea how long your imprisonment might be. So this is my only chance to come clear to you. I know it is selfish of me to dump you with such massive information all at once but I can't keep it in any longer, I'm sorry..."

"What is it Jungkook?"

"I love you"

Silence coaxed the air with our mingled breathing solitarily chiming at a greater degree. I almost felt the fear coursing through my veins as I stared deeply into Y/N's widened eyes that were sparkling with consternation. And that very gaze of her made me regret every choices I made so far.

Why the hell did I confess so abruptly? You are so stupid Jungkook!

"Hey Y/N, you don't need to give me an answer. I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all those nonsense. Just, just forget what I said-"

"But I don't want to..."

"What?" now it was my turn to look astonished.

"I don't want to forget what you just said" Y/N's face morphed into that of a composed one and she flashed me a comforting smile which made me relax a bit but I was still oblivious to her feelings about me and that was keeping me right on the edge.

"In fact, I liked what you just said" she passed me a quick wink making me scrunch my eyebrows in amplified confusion.

"What are you trying to imply Y/N?"

"I am trying to imply that" she took a dramatic pause filling me up with an annoying anticipation before bringing in blow, "when I said I was thankful to have you in my life, I really meant it..."

Y/N placed her hand on my cheek and immediately a soothing warmth took over me. Her soft touch did amazing things to me and I didn't fight the smile slowly breaking on to my face.

"All I'm implying is that, I love you too Jungkook"

I could literally hear my heart going crazy behind my ribs. The fusion of emotions made me restless and I pulled Y/N to me, kissing her deeply and passionately. Her lips fit perfectly against mine as she returned my gesture with equal vigor. And with my hands concealed in her hair and hers wrapped around my neck, we broke the heated session with a breathless gasp.

"I would really love to keep this going but..."

"But what?"

"All this excitement and the coffee from earlier is having a toll on me....I gotta pee real bad" I whined, earning a cute giggle from Y/N.

"Just go Jungkook, wouldn't want your bladder to burst already"

"What do you mean 'already'?" I smirked and she did the same before pushing me to the door.

"GO" and I did but not before stealing a quick peck.

The search for a public restroom was agonizing, stupid bladder. I couldn't wait to return to my car and get right back in business. If things went right, I could even convince Y/N to be my girlfriend. Damn the excitement.

Once I was done, I ran back to my car hoping to see an awaiting Y/N. However, the scene that greeted me instead made me break into a cold sweat.

The car lock on Y/N's side was broken and the door was left ajar, the seat was empty and no trace of Y/N could be seen, only her handcuffs laid dismantled on the road. 


To Be Continued...

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