Chapter 51: Promise [Edited]

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A/N - This chapter might be a little confusing because it's kind of a fusion of present happenings and flashbacks. For convenience I'll be putting the flashbacks in italics. I hope it's not to hard to read.


Loud sirens, panicked screams and a series of honking horns. Yet Jungkook's heart felt so silent, so cold. A barren land deprived of even a tiny dribble of water, that's how his throat felt. And his eyes? Well it seemed like an eternity that they had ran out of tears to shed.

Had it been just moments ago that she was right there in his arms, tight and secure but now, all he was left with was her blood smeared all over his black shirt.

What a cruel turn of events!


Jimin shouted with all the breath his lungs could muster before running towards the fallen girl. Clearly he was the first one to snap out of the dismal trance the the recent abrupt incident had induced, Taehyung following closely behind.

"Hey Y/N, stay with us, please. Here, look at me, come on"

He took her head in his lap and kept slapping her lightly on the cheeks to keep the girl from losing consciousness. By now Taehyung had reached the pair and ripping his shirt off with one strong pull he handed the lacerated fabric to Jimin only for the latter to press it against Y/N's wound in order to contain the blood loss to some extent.

"Yo Y/N, come on, talk to us..."

The sirens stopped as the ambulance pulled a break in front of St. Mary's hospital. The door to the trunk of the automobile flew open with the paramedics hurrying to pull the gurney down, a barely alive Y/N lying on it, struggling so hard to hang on.

The police car charged into the drive way soon after but even before the car could come to a complete halt, Jungkook darted out, tripping on the way and rendering himself on the ground. His knees scarped badly against the rocky street but the boy couldn't care less and he immediately got up and ran towards Y/N's stretcher that was now being pushed into the building.

"Jungkook, be careful-" a worried Namjoon called after the boy whom he cared for like a younger brother who was sadly already too far to listen to his hyung. All Jungkook felt right now was devastation and even though his colleagues tried their best to comfort him and give him hopes, he was too deep into a pit to resurface that easily.

"Yo Y/N, come on, talk to us"

Taehyung took Y/N's hands in his and rubbed them, trying to generate some heat in the uncannily cold surface. Jimin on the other hand had his palms pressed on Y/N's chest with Taehyung's shirt now close to dripping with crimson agony.

"I-I'm sorry guys..." the strain was very apparent in Y/N's voice, the very same strain that was also cascading down her eyes. The girl tried her best to sit up but ended up falling on Jimin's chest who immediately caught her and pulled her closer.

"Don't say that Y/N, nothing's gonna happen to you, just hang on a little longer, ok?" Jimin nuzzled his face into Y/N's neck, trying to find some warmth in her embrace. Her skin was growing colder with every passing second and he didn't like that a bit.

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