Chapter 48: Bangtan [Edited]

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~_The same day_~



Machine guns......Checked

Barrett M84 with scope.......Checked

Extra amo.......Checked

Bulletproof vest.......Checked

Destination.......Incheon Warehouse

"Are you sure you wanna do this? Yoongi will be very disappointed if he gets a hint-"

"Nah" Cutting off a skeptical Taehyung in between his portrayal of reluctance I went through the stuffs for a second time before walking over to my mirror, "He's not going to know..."

"Oh come on, you don't know that for sure. He's smart enough to figure things out when we don't show up for dinner tonight"

"Don't worry Tae, it'll be fine..."

Buttoning up my black shirt over the bulletproof vest I looked myself on the glass surface, searching for the streak of determination in my eyes, and there it was, shining brighter than ever. Today was the day I was going on my very second mission. I was going to rescue Y/N. I was going to bring her home.

Y/N's video from yesterday had caught us all off-guard and we were pretty worried about what was to come henceforth. Certainly Yoongi's first instinct was to run to the given address and fight for his little sister but honestly, we all knew better than to do that. And also, Y/N's secret message heaved a humongous significance and we couldn't just look past it. If Yoongi went to Sang-Ook, there was a high chance that both Y/N and Yoongi might never return.

So the plan of sending Yoongi towards his impending doom was totally off the table.

Yet that only added to our anxiety. We were oblivious to Sang-Ook's motives but we did know how barbaric he could be. If he managed to poison his own friend, he could do anything and that's what scared me the most.

Since he didn't ask for any ransom yet, the rest of the group believed that they had time because Sang-Ook was presumably after something that needed more than just a dead Y/N. But still I couldn't help but feel paranoid. What if he got enraged with Yoongi's rebellion and hurt Y/N more? I didn't want that to happen. And I didn't want hyung to get hurt either.

Therefore I was ought to tend to my last resort, and that was to step into the battle, all by myself.

I knew other's considered me immature as I was the youngest. So I refrained myself from letting them into my plan. If I had told them, they'd surely stop me saying this was a suicide mission but I am a cop for goodness sake. I am trained in stuffs like this!

However, I still needed some back up for emergencies and the two names that came first in my mind, that were impulsive enough to approve my plan, were none but the other two maknaes. And luckily enough, after some persuasion, they gave in and now here we were, going on with our intricate scheme.

"Here's your communication chip. Stick it inside your shirt collar and we'll be able to hear everything as long as we stay in an eight kilometer radius" Jimin walked into the room and placed a tiny silicon card in my hand before landing a pat of encouragement on my back. Unlike Taehyung, he wasn't dubious of my plan. Sure he was ambivalent about the whole situation but just like I was, he too ran on high adrenaline and was ready to do whatever it takes.

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