Chapter 39: Fate [Edited]

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My heart had never beaten this fast before. Narrating the events from last night made me relive all of them and it filled me up with emotions bitter and sweet. The decision that I made, to be honest was scary, I had no idea how I would manage in a jail. It could be years before I get a bail, I might even get a life time imprisonment. And all those thoughts were freaking me out. Yet I was firm at my intentions because I knew, no matter how much pain I had to go through, by doing this I would be freeing my family from this huge burden they were stifling under.

I knew all of them had their separate dreams and aspirations and if me being in jail gets them the life they deserve, I would willingly sacrifice my freedom time and again.

After all, their happiness meant the most to me.

"Do you realize how foolish you sound right now Y/N? You're gonna spend your days in a fucking prison only to get us out of this stupid mafia??" barked an annoyed Hoseok.

We were all sprawled around in the living room with our morose faces contorted into sullen frowns. Hoseok however had been transiting through out the space with his seasonal howlings making appearance every now and then. The others were already done with their fare share of complaints and our ray of sunshine was the last to let out the blizzard in his heart.

An angry vein kept popping out of his forehead making him look more daunting than ever and honestly, I was a bit scared. When it came to me, all five of them had this protective, brotherly instinct and it was pretty formidable.

"I am sorry Hoseok but this is the only way!" I whined the same sentence for like the 100th time, only to another different address making him look at me with aggravation.

"Do you have any other plan to get us out of this shit?" I asked only to be replied with a momentary silence before Hoseok found new words to refer to.

"Maybe not yet but if we sit together and think about it, we mighht come up with something"

"When Hoseok? When are we gonna do that? When our lives have become even more pathetic than it already is?" it was involuntary how my voice went high but the impact it left on the ambience was significant as the room went real quite real quick.

"Look guys, this is something I genuinely want to do. I know it'll be hard for me to manage in such an environment but the life I'm currently leading is not a very comfortable one either. I might have all the luxury a girl could ask for but I don't want those anymore, I just want some peace, something I've never had before. Every time I think about this, I visualize all your happy faces that will be greeting me after I come out and the genuine smiles that you all hold, those are enough for me to get through with this. Please let me do this."

A cold hand ran down my entangled hair releasing some knots in the process and I leaned in to the soft touch that I've lately grown very fond of. I closed my eyes relishing the moment as much as I could before I had to give them all up. Being close to Jungkook and enjoying his gestures was really helping me with all the stress but deep within, it was also birthing a fear in me, a fear of losing him.

What if in these years he forgets me? I don't know what he feels for me yet but whatever it is, what if all those fades away before I even get the chance to tell him how I feel? All my life I've been alone. Jungkook was the one who changed that for me. But now can I afford being the same again? Am I capable of letting him go, specially after falling so deeply for him? Do I really love him?

"You know Y/N" with a mini jolt I sat up straight as Jimin's voice broke me out of my miserable trance. Luckily, no one noticed. "Even if I don't approve of this plan, I'm still very proud of you. Actually, I think the others feel the same too" he passed a soft smile my way.

"That's true, we all are very proud of you and the woman you've become. My sister's all grown up now" Jin's words made me giggle with tears forming in my eyes. All my life I've been cursing my fate for having such a pathetic existence but at that moment, I felt like the luckiest being on the earth to have been blessed with such an awesome family. Sure many people didn't stick around once they learnt about my roots but the ones that did, they were worth the pain.

I raised my hands in the air as I saw Yoongi approaching me and soon I was engulfed in tight hug.

"I'll miss you Kimchi. You have no idea how much I'm proud of you right now. I love you so much" Yoongi let out a broken sentence as recurring sobs hampered his dialogue. However, the emotions were incessant.

"I love you too oppa and I'm so sorry for all that I've done till now. All those times I lashed out at you, behaved rudely with you, I broke your heart oppa, I failed you. I-"

"Shh" Yoongi knelt down in front of me before cupping my tear stricken cheeks with his soft hands. "It's okay Y/N, it's all in the past. You were too devastated back then and I totally understand that. What matters now is that you are finally letting go. You are choosing the path you are meant for and I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to start a new life with all of you."

With that the tension went down a notch. The eyes were still teary but some smiles were now breaking through like a winsome dawn. We chose to believe all this to be our fate and we'd rather face it with gratitude than grievances. However, a significant question that bothered none of us rained its sudden blow on Taehyung and he spoke up,

"But what about us? We are in the mafia too. Won't we get our punishments?"

Uncertainty rose once again but before anybody could act upon it, an eighth voice suddenly echoed in the hall.

"Hey Jungkook, sorry for acting all rude and bitchy at first, I got too much in character" the intruder let out a sheepish smile, prominent dimples adorning his plump cheeks.  


To Be Continued...

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