Chapter 35: The Light [Edited]

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Laying my eyes on a brand new day, the warm rays hitting my face brimmed me up with an unfamiliar serenity. White clouds floating against the beautiful sapphire sky, a nature's masterpiece so alluring. The sun barely peered through the dense condensations and flocks of birds soaring through the mellow wind sounded more euphonious than ever. The far away mountain range standing with pride blended against the blue backdrop and the snow reflected the sun rays like a polished mirror.

Tucking the silk curtains heedfully behind the window rails I rested my head against one of the iron rods, breathing in deeply the sweet scent of peace. Last night's unfeigned exchange felt like a doorway to the appalling maze we were stuck in and exiting through the same rendered us in a beautiful garden of hopes, a place that bloomed with the brightest smiles. And one of those was now in my possession, a genuine and true portrayal of bliss.

As I slowly walked over to the vanity, it felt nothing less than a miracle. The girl looking back at me through the mirror wasn't Kim Brute anymore, it was Y/N. I don't know how but the innocence in her eyes was back. I could clearly see the passion shine bright in them, the one that I believed was lost. And I couldn't help but stare with awe. Was I really back?

And soon, memories from years ago started flooding in...

"Y/n dear, eomma and appa wants you to have the life you truly want. And this boarding school will help you with it. Don't worry sweat heart, no matter what you choose, we'll always love you like our little princess..."

"One day my daughter will be a famous artist and she'll make her appa so proud..."

"Don't worry Kimchi, your suga oppa will protect you from all the tyrants back at school. No seriously, I think we should sneak into their dorms and ruin their makeup and stuffs with paints. That'd teach them to not mess with my little sister..."

"And when you find the light, grab a brush and paint it with your favourite colors..."

I think I found the light.

A small chuckle gurgled up my chest at the thought of my own idiocy. Why did I even think I was meant for a pathetic life like this? Every person that has ever loved or cared for me wanted me to follow my dreams and yet I let the antagonistic society mold me into someone I never wanted to be. I kept on urging myself into a choice between my late parents and Yoongi, stupid me didn't even comprehend that they were always on the same side.

I kept telling myself that I didn't belong to the world of aspirations but now I knew better. Other's opinions can never be more important than my own, not when those people mean nothing to me. And everybody that meant something to me always wanted me to be happy. So now, that was exactly what I was going to do.

Fits of laughter bubbled up the air as a group of supposed adults wrestled each other like a bunch eminent kids, rolling and running against the cold, wet grass. The view from my first floor window only grew more appealing as I merrily glanced over the garden where Taehyung had Yoongi running behind him for some sort of payback while Jimin rolled on the grass laughing relentlessly to the point where his face turned red and a nonchalant Hoseok sat by a tree judging the elderly babies with an honed gaze.

The shrill chaos they made could have been annoying to someone's ears but for me, it filled my heart with a raging sense of contentment that my oh-so dear family was just as happy.

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