Chapter 33: Mission Dinner [Edited]

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"What is taking him so long" the floor board squeaked underneath my aggressively tapping foot as I let out resentful groans while not-so-patiently awaiting a certain someone's arrival for almost half an hour now. The typical floral apron tied around my waist adorned crease lines from my unremitting gestures and the watch sitting rigidly on my wrist pointed to a '6', indicating not much time was left till dinner.

The night was set up for a fun get together. The Kim Mafia that had a total reincarnation after last year's incident with new employees replacing the previous ones to avoid further treachery, happened to land its very first client this week and the random sleepover we were currently preparing for was a mere embodiment of the diligence the crew had put forward to make it happen. A Thai Chao-Pho had come forward with a fair deal of weaponry exchange and the amount they offered for our exclusive ammunition was quite the sum. If seen from a just perspective, the righteousness of the entire scenario was bare minimum but after appa, it was my responsibility to make sure our workers didn't sleep on an empty stomach and for that I needed the bills. The resolutions the Thai gang held against the weapons were most likely to be vicious and offensive but the upbringing of my gang required some cold hard cash and the best way to collect those was to trace the already trod path, well, may not be the best way but it was still the easiest.

The team worked the field with utter dedication, even if they were risking their lives by being in a mafia. All of them, just like me, had their own stories, their own reasons that forced them into such a dangerous life but now that this was their job, none of the members ever hesitated to endorse their commitments to it. It was suffocating though how felonious our virtues were, that we fed on illegal money but till we found a better way of living, we had to survive with what we already had. However, there were times when we tried to bargain with our eternal remorse for even a tiny glimpse of mundane happiness if possible. And the paintball war was one such excuse against the thriller/slasher life of ours.

As per the rules of the game, Jungkook, Yoongi and myself were remunerated with kitchen duties for losing the color battle with such zeal while the winning team that contained Taehyung and Jimin had the privilege of picking a movie for the night stay.

The punishment that was accepted halfheartedly was equally distributed among the three of us. However, much to our dismay, the older male that once left with the purpose of a quick shower, never returned. The three of us had parted ways with the very intentions of wiping ourselves off the colors but even though Jungkook and I had reached our designated work field shortly after, Min Yoongi was no where to be seen.

A rattled howl rolled out my throat at the damn nerve of the brother of mine. That traitor, how dare he bails on the team like that, leaving all the cooking to us two?

Gurgling rage invaded my veins making me take a step forward to go and confront the perpetrator but a firm hand being placed on my shoulder hindered me from strolling away any further. Twirling sharply on my toes I turned around only for my eyes to lock on the doe ones of Jeon Jungkook.

The man who had been lazily plopped on one of the dining chairs was now standing face to face with me, innocence peering through his soft gaze while a small smile hung loosely from his thin lips.

"It's okay Y/N, let him be. I am sure if we help each other, we can nail this..."


A monotonous screech rang through the space as the oven timer went off proclaiming the muffins' coming to fruition. I grabbed my mitten from its hanger and rolling the fabric on my outstretched palms I headed to the oven. An aroma of sweet triumph filled up the kitchen as the dessert came out looking as luscious as anticipated.

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