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________c h a p t e r  t  w o

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c h a p t e r  t  w o

Greeting the cheer team on her way in, Samantha walks up to her locker, passing Nancy and her friend Barb, the former's gaze lingering on her.

She can't help but hear a glimpse of their conversation, rolling her eyes as she finds her chemistry book.

"Nance, seriously, you're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous."

"No, I'm not."

Before she can continue eavesdropping, Steve leans against the locker next to hers, eyes boring into the side of her head.

He attempts to make it look as platonic as possible, but let's just say it's a good thing Nancy looked away.

"Don't you just look like a total Betty today?"

He says it in a joking tone, but the very noticeable way he looks her up and down before speaking shows he completely means it.

Barely raising her eyes to him, she applies some lip gloss, centers her necklace, and seems to focus on everything but Steve. "Thanks."

"We're not playing that game, Samantha," he knocks on the locker.

"I'm not playing a game, Steve. I'm fixing my hair, something you're very familiar with."

"You're still mad."

"I would be if my ride to school started with Tommy and ended with Carol. But my dad took me, so I guess I didn't need you anyway," she shrugs, slamming the locker door, and preparing to leave.

"I can drive you and Bumble home," he grins, as the bell rings. "We can even make a stop for food."

She cracks just the slightest smile, and despite the subtlety of the grin, Steve's own mouth breaks into a smile just at the sight. She tends to have that effect on him.

"Alright. We also need to stop at the art store."

"One day you're getting a license."

"Why would I when my best friend doubles as a chaffeur?" she teases.

Nancy eyes the exchange between the best friends, unsure if she should be uncomfortable or not. It looked borderline flirtatious to Barb, but of course, Nancy wasn't asking for her opinion.


Luckily Troy decides to leave the party be for the rest of the day, leaving them to make it through Mr. Clarke's class, still wondering where Will was.

"Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of scientific investigation. This will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12."

The teacher's gaze lingers on the kids swarming out of the class, obviously not paying attention to a word he was saying.

Of course, besides the group of four waiting eagerly at his desk.

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