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_______c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - s i x

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - s i x

Eventually, Steve stops, comparing the area to the map. "Alright, Wheeler. Looks like we found your hub."

"Let's drench it," Mike smirks, handing everyone a bottle of gasoline.

Pouring the liquid on every crevice she can, Bianca gags at the smell, hoping this plan actually works. Once everyone finishes their bottles, they huddle in the opening, waiting for Steve to toss his lighter.

"Alright, do it," they nod, and he flicks the lighter on, tossing it into the drenched hub.

Immediately the area is bathed in an orange glow, growing three times as hot and the kids jump back at the explosion.

"Alright, go, go!" Steve yells, guiding everyone back through the tunnels.

Of course, just before they can get to the entrance, Mike trips, his ankle getting covered by a slimy vine.

"Mike!" Sam shouts, stopping to grab her axe. "Stay still."

"Help!" he calls out, prompting Steve to join Sam in beating the mess out of the vine, while the kids grab his arms, setting him free.

All she knew was she could add the noise of the slimy thing being crushed to the list of sounds that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

"You good?" Steve asks the panting boy, who nods.

"Okay, we gotta go!"

Once they turn around, ready to keep running, they're faced with Dart growling at them.


"That's Dart?" Bianca gasps, pointing at the once tiny Demo-dog in front of them.

"It's a long story, B," he slowly steps towards the creature, despite everyone's shouts of disagreement.

"Dustin, get back!"

"Trust me, please," he crouches down. "Hey, it's me. It's Dustin, alright? Remember me? Will you let us pass?"

He growls yet again, clearly very opposed to the idea.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry?"

"He's insane," Lucas shakes his head, only for everyone to hush him.

"I've got our favorite, see?" he holds up a Three Musketeers. "Nougat. Look at that, yummy. Here."

He places it down, and Dart slowly approaches it, distracted enough for Dustin to beckon the group to pass by them and to get around the creature himself.

"Goodbye buddy," he waves, before running down the tunnels again.

"Seriously dude, we're finding you a hobby!" Bianca breathes out, but high fives him anyway.

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