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_________c h a p t e r  t h i r t e e n

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t e e n

The next day, Sam wakes up to a note stuck on her window, blowing slightly in the morning breeze.

She recognized the work, seeing as Steve used to do this anytime he pissed her off or needed to vent, usually about his dad.

I'm sorry.
- Steve

How poetic.

She rolls her eyes, throwing the paper away before getting ready for the day. Of course, she knew she'd pick up as soon as he called if he really was going through something.

Instead, she decides to take the day to try and relax, maybe get some painting done, just distance herself from the stressors in her life.

Realizing she needed new brushes, she approaches her parents eating at the dining table, discussing some painting Gianna wanted to buy.

"No, Leo, mira los colores. ¡Lo necesitamos!"

He glances at the price with wide eyes, searching for an escape from this expensive conversation, and finding it in his daughter pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Uh- Samantha, baby! How'd you sleep?"

"Fine..." she furrows her eyebrows, startled by his excited tone, but shakes it off, sitting next to him.

"So I know I'm grounded, but I need new brushes, so can I stop by the art store?" she clasps her hands together, pleading smile on her face.

They look at each other for a moment, remaining silent as she glances between them, bracing for the no.

Gianna simply gets up, pulling out several letters from the drawer. "Sure but drop these off in the mailbox too."

Leo grabs a 20, handing it to her. "And stop at the hardware store and get me a hammer please."

"Will do," she grabs the items from their hands, finishing her coffee and taking a piece of her dad's bacon. "Love you!"

"And please be careful on that damn board!" she calls out as the door slams. "Can't believe you bought her that death trap three years ago."

"Why are we blaming me? She wants something, I buy it. I can't say no to that face," he argues, pointing to her picture on the fridge.

"Well say yes to this face..." she points to her smile, "And buy the painting."


Bianca wakes up shortly after, getting some eggos and juice as her parents continue discussing adult things she has no idea about.

"Buenos dias," she yawns her way to the breakfast table.

"Finally some Spanish in this house. You girls don't use it enough," Gianna grins, washing Samantha's mug.

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