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_______c h a p t e r  t h r e e

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c h a p t e r  t h r e e

After the initial shock of finding the lost girl, the group starts to argue over what to do.

"We can't just leave her out here. It's the middle of November, she'll freeze," Bianca urges.

"She's right. We'd have like bad karma or something," Dustin agrees.

"We can take her to your house? Say she's a friend of yours?"

"No way, Mrs. Flores is too nice, she'd probably ask her a million questions and try to buy her a pink skirt or something."

"What?" Bianca furrows her eyebrows. These boys just said anything that came to mind sometimes.

"Okay, right. We don't introduce her to our parents. We can hide her," Mike suggests.


He thinks it over for a second, finally figuring it out. "My basement. I'm the only one who's always down there."

"Good idea. Now let's go, I don't wanna catch a cold," Bianca walks over to the shivering girl.

"I'm Bianca. You can come with us. We won't hurt you, we promise," she speaks slowly, holding a hand out to the girl.

She guides her to sit in the back of Dustin's bike, deducing that Lucas had way too many accidents, and goes to sit on Mike's.


After five short but painfully cold minutes, the kids arrive at Mike's warm, and most importantly, dry, home.

They creep into his basement, and immediately take off their jackets. Mike finds a random beige coat, handing it to the girl to warm up.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" he asks, while Bianca looks over the girl.

She looked traumatized by whatever happened to her before she found the group, not meeting anyone's eyes and almost hyperventilating. Clearly she was not in the state to answer any questions.

Which is why the brunette wonders why on Earth the boys start interrogating her.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"

"Dude," Bianca widens her eyes at his insensitivity.

"Did you run away?"

"Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"Is that blood?" Lucas reaches out to the red stain on her shirt, only for Mike to slap his hand.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out."

"She's freaking me out!" Lucas retorts.

"I bet she's deaf," Dustin comments before clapping loudly in her face, earning a flinch. "Not deaf."

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