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__________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - e i g h t

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - e i g h t

The next morning, Mike shows up at the Flores front door right on time, prompting Bianca to leave the home.


"Morning," she nods, remembering last night's conversation with Sam.

"I like your sweater," he points to the striped fabric, grimacing at the shakiness of his tone.

"Thanks, it matches my shoes," she points to her bubblegum pink Converse with a proud smile.

"You've got like a collection."

"You've got your Star Wars action figures, I've got my Chucks," she grins, as Lucas rides up alongside them.

"Any word about Dart?"

"No. Where's Dustin?"

"He said he got up late and he'll meet us at school in 5 minutes," he relays the message, prompting them to speed up towards Hawkins Middle.

Once they arrive and are joined by Max, they immediately start their search. Ending up at the trashcans, they start to argue over the daunting task.

"We have to look everywhere," Mike glances over at it.

"So go look," Lucas nods.

"No way, man."

"Sticks?" Bianca suggests, grabbing a few from the surrounding grass.

Mike wins, giving a subtle high five to Bianca as Lucas groans.

"Stop being a baby and do it already," he sighs.

"This is so disgusting, is this really necessary?" Max questions, not knowing the importance of that little creature.

"What the hell's going on?" Dustin comes around the corner, having expected them to be at the bike racks.

"What do you think? We're looking for Dart."

Lucas then throws two bags over the bin, climbing out with a sarcastic smile. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up. After I drew the short straw. Real convenient."

"You stink," Max moves from his side to Dustin's, producing a goofy grin on his face.

Mike rolls his eyes, as the boy says, "Hi, Max," in the dreamiest voice he could.

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