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___________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - f o u r

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - f o u r

Almost immediately after the initial shock wears off, Bianca rushes to give her a hug. "Where have you been?"


"Wait, what?" Mike speaks up.

"Why didn't you say anything? Or-or call?" Bianca raises her eyebrows.

"Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper speaks up, making the brunette turn to him in annoyance. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Where have you been?" El hugs him.

"You've been hiding her," Mike gasps in realization.

"This whole time..." Bianca slowly walks up to him, anger crossing her features. "You've been lying?"

Her friends look on in shock, both at the revelation and at how angry Bianca was. She typically only showed annoyance or agitation, not anything like this.

"Look, we can talk, come on," Hopper leads her to Will's room, where she paces like a madman.

"You hid her for a year?" she yells.

"The more people know about her, the more she's in danger."

"I'm not just people, you're like family," she cuts him off.

"Exactly, Bianca. Your family would've been in danger if I told you."

"You lied. You came to dinner every week, making up some lie about taking some leftovers home. They were for her, weren't they?"

"Yeah, kid."

"You made me feel like I was crazy when I said I saw her! You sat there and pretended I was seeing things or something!" she starts to cry.

"I know-"

"She was my friend, Hopper. One of the first friends I've made in a while. And I thought I lost her. You let me think I lost her. That's not fair! It's not- It's not fair!" she shouts, only for him to pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry, kid."


Over on Maple Street, Billy was on his way to the Flores home before going to the Wheelers'.

Gianna opens the door, confusion etched across her face.

"Hi, you must be Mrs. Flores?" he asks.

"Yes, who are you?" she questions.

"I'm Billy, I'm looking for my sister Max. She's been hanging out with your daughter, Bianca?" he puts on the fakest smile ever seen.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, but she's not here right now. She's with her friend, Will. He had an emergency. My daughter Sam is gonna pick her up after work."

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