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_________c h a p t e r  f i f t e e n

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c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

The kids (minus Lucas) follow the trail into the woods, only to be met by two people they really did not need to see.

Troy and his friend approach the group menacingly, a knife in the bully's hand. "Toothless..."

"Shit! Run, guys!" Dustin drops his bike, running in the opposite direction, prompting Bianca and Mike to follow.


"Run, come on!"

"You're dead, Wheeler!" Troy chases after them, getting closer and closer to Mike.

"Move, Mike! Come on Mike, run!" Dustin yells, Bianca by his side, glancing back every few seconds.

They end up near the cliff over the quarry, trapped by Troy and his friend on either side of them. Realizing they couldn't run any longer, the trio picks up different weapons, holding them up.

"Don't come any closer!"

Bianca wasn't very confident in the stick in her hands, but something was better than nothing.

Mike throws his rock, not even coming close to James. "Nice throw numbnuts."

Dustin then charges at Troy, battle cry and all, only for the boy to put him in a headlock.

"Let him go!"

Bianca tries to hit James with her stick at the same time, but he grabs her arm, knocking her to the ground hard.

Definitely feeling the side of her head hit a rock, she's slow to get up, wincing at even the slightest of movements.

"Shit, Bianca," Mike yells, starting to run over to her, only for James to stop him.

"You get any closer and he'll push her right into the quarry," Troy threatens, egging his friend on.

"I'm sorry, he'll do what now?" Bianca's eyes widen, looking between both bullies.

"What do you want?"

"I want to know how you did it!" Troy shouts.

"How I did what?"

"I know you did something to me. Some nerdy science shit to make me do that."

"You mean piss your pants?"

"Maybe you just have horrendous bladder control, Troy, did you think of that?" Bianca sneers, clutching her head in pain.

"Our friend has superpowers and she squeezed your tiny bladder with her mind," Dustin yells.

"Shut up! I think I should save Toothless here a trip to the dentist. Help him lose the rest of his baby teeth."

They all gasp, and Bianca finally stands, screaming at the bully along with Mike. "Let him go! Let him go!"

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