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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - t h r e e

Unfortunately for Mike, "silent reading day," imposes on his plan to ease Bianca's feelings of displacement. Instead, he approaches her at her locker.


"Michael," she mocks his seriousness, a chuckle leaving her mouth.

"You are a girl, yes, but you're just like us, that's why you're in the party. We weren't trying to exclude you," he assures, nodding his head like he's telling her she just got accepted to NASA.

"Okay," she shrugs with slight confusion on her face, earning a defeated look.


"What did you want me to say? "Oh Mike, how ever can I thank you?""

"A little gratitude would be nice."

"I am wearing a utility dress and glasses because of you guys, we are beyond gratitude," she laughs, before grabbing his shoulders. "Seriously, Mike, it's fine, if I wasn't comfortable being the assistant, I wouldn't have been. You don't have to prove anything."


She begins to explain further, cutting her words short as Max approaches her.

"Apparently, I've been given the "honor" of trick or treating with your stalker friends," she grins.

"Oh really?" Bianca raises an eyebrow in amusement, while Mike's brow furrows.

"You've been what?"

"They finally asked? Good," she continues.

"We didn't even get a vote!"

"They asked me, I said yes, and so did Will. You would've lost the vote anyway, Grumpy."

"You said yes?"

"Is he hard of hearing?" Max questions.

"Mike, what's the big deal? They're not gonna stop giving out candy because Max is coming."

"Our party is a democracy."

"And the majority voted yes."

"Ugh," he sighs, storming off, much to the girls' surprise.

"He's... a little dramatic sometimes," she nods her head to Max. "Just meet us on Maple?"



On the way home, the kids speed down the road in their bikes, not hearing the car approaching.

"Really, everyone dressed up last year."

"At least we looked cool?" Bianca attempts to find the silver lining, which forces a grin on Mike's face. "I mean we know everyone else is gonna half-ass their costumes."

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