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_________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y

The Flores girls always loved the fall. The oranges and reds decorating the once green forest, the houses decorated head to toe with spooky decorations, the subtle breeze freeing them from the suffocating summer heat, it was amazing.

But especially Halloween.

Gianna and Leo always went all out on the holiday, decorating both the interior and exterior of the home to the theme, even making Halloween style breakfast and desserts.

Bianca believes it's because Samantha's birthday is on the day of goblins and ghouls, but who knows?

Anyway, this affinity for the season marked a happier mood for both girls, allowing them to push away the memory of last winter. 

Bianca was doing fine at the moment, still slightly plagued by the loss of El, but overall okay. She found comfort in beating the boys in every game at the local arcade, which is where we find ourselves on this October night.

"Sam!" Bianca shouts from the steps, tossing on her Converse, awaiting her sister's response.

"What?" she steps out of her room, in the midst of zipping up her hoodie.

"You remember when our washing machine broke and we had to go to the laundromat?"

"What's your point?"

"My point is I need the bag of coins we used to pay for our laundry," she glares.

"I don't know, I don't do laundry. Ask Mom," she walks back in to the room.


Just as she yells the woman's name, Gianna comes around the corner carrying the Ziploc bag, placing it in her daughter's hands.

"Gracias ma. Love you!" she hugs her, running back up to her room.

"¡Nada de correr en la casa!" she calls after her.

Bianca then lays on her bed, counting the change, as Dustin begins to speak through her walkie-talkie.

"Bianca, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here, counting my change," she grabs the last quarter, putting it back in the bag. "... And a solid eight bucks!"

"How are you guys finding so much money?"

"My mom keeps a bag of change incase our washer breaks again," she shrugs, tying her hair up.

"Are you on the way?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving right now. See you in ten!" she pushes down the antenna, running downstairs to the basement and grabbing her new bike at the same time Sam grabs her skateboard.

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