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________c h a p t e r  t e n

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c h a p t e r t e n

Around 30 minutes later, the teens find themselves in the grotto behind Steve's house, having finished their food.

"I feel bad, I don't know," she runs a hand through her waves.


"Barb, I mean, I hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she's fine, the police will find her-"

"Yeah, well the police found Will, and he was far from fine. I couldn't have left that much later than she did. I mean, what if... what if she was still there when I left? What if I could've helped her?"

"Don't beat yourself up about that, okay? You were drunk out of your mind, and you always get tunnel vision when you're like that."

"I don't know, I just hate not helping people, you know. Lately, it feels like I've been doing the exact opposite."

"What do you mean?"

"Everything that went down with Jonathan. You were harsh. I thought you were just gonna scare him, not break his $1000 camera," she explains, earning a sigh.

"Sam, he was spying on us. Like taking naked pictures for his spank bank."

"I'm not saying what he did wasn't wrong. I know it was, it was gross. But we could've dialed it back, I could've told Joyce or something. I'm not a bully, Steve," she shrugs. "His brother is dead."

"I know, Sam. I'm sorry," he touches her shoulder, knowing she was sad about his death as well. "I know you liked the kid."

He'd always admired her way with her sister and her friends. Where most teenagers would scoff at the idea of hanging with their younger sibling, she always jumped at the chance. It was endearing.

"He was so sweet, you know? Always wanted everyone around him to smile, was always the best to babysit. And Bianca's so upset, and I don't know what to do," she lays on her back, eyes following the moving clouds. "I feel like Hawkins is becoming a nightmare. And it's like..."

She glances at Steve, who stares at her in concern, obviously listening to every word she had to say, waiting for a good time to comfort her.

"It's like..."

"It's stupid, forget it," she brushes him off.

"You never sound stupid, now what is it?"

She grins at the compliment, rolling her eyes. "We should go home."

"What's up, Sam?" he shakes his head, genuine concern on his face. "You can talk to me."

Knowing he wouldn't let it go until after she confided in him about something, so she opts to confess the truth from earlier.

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