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_______c h a p t e r  f o u r

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c h a p t e r f o u r

Once the teenagers drop off Bianca, they meet up with Tommy and Carol in the hallway.

"Hey Carol," Sam slides next to her.

"Sup Sammy," she smiles, while Steve's eye catches Nancy and Barb. "Wanna go to the rink on Friday?"

"Maybe, I have to babysit for the Blackburns that day," she responds, paying more attention to the girl approaching the group.

She appeared to be studying, probably for the chem quiz tomorrow, until Steve snatches the flashcards out of the redhead's hands.

"I don't know, I think you've studied enough."


"No, I'm telling you, you've got this," he pushes, and Nancy stops arguing, despite the obvious uncomfortable look on her face.

Probably had more to do with the trio behind Steve than the boy himself, but whatever.

"Now onto more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him, cause you know, she doesn't trust him."

"Good call," Tommy jokes.

"So are you in?" he asks.

"In for what?"

"No parents? Big house?" Carol gives her a look, as if it was obvious.

"A party?"

"Oh, she's smart too. You've really won with this one," Sam smirks, and Nancy can't quite tell if she's being genuine or sarcastic.

She never really could. It's what made her so uneasy about the brunette. Well, that and the fact that sometimes she caught Steve looking at her like she put the stars in the sky. Like if she said the word, he'd drop Nancy in a second for her.

Her worries were not totally unreasonable.

It was understandable, really. Sam was gorgeous, in a effortless way. She never looked like she had to try. Even her grades and talents seemed to come effortlessly to her. She was someone to be envied or admired, but never close enough to actually know. Unless you were Steve, of course.

But in Samantha's case, most of that reigned untrue. No one knew just how hard she tried, and she liked it that way.

After a beat of silence, Nancy remembers to actually respond, ending her reverie.

"It's Tuesday."

While Tommy and Carol laugh at and mock her, Sam and Steve just attempt to convince her. Sam was only partaking because Steve begged her to be 'nice' and claimed she had a way with words.

"It's not like he's throwing a rager. Literally the only people that are coming are standing right here," she points to everyone. "But you know, we'll be okay if you can't come. Totally understandable."

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