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___________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y

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c h a p t e r t h i r t y

Running down the halls of Hawkins Lab, the group follows the doctors as they wheel Will into a room.

Bianca knew they were only trying to help him, but it was terrifying to see her friend thrashing around in pain like that.


"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106."

"Will, where does it hurt most?"

"All over!"

"I can't watch," Bianca winces, stepping out of the room, and Mike follows.

"He's gonna be okay," he grabs her hand.

"Is he?"

"Yeah, the doctors, they're gonna help him and then we're gonna get the shadow monster out of his head and we'll be okay, okay?"

"Okay," she lets out a few tears, while he pulls her into a hug.


The next morning comes, and Samantha wakes up to nonstop knocking on her window. Opening her eyes to see Steve somehow holding on to the trellis at the same time, she jumps out of bed.

"What are you doing?" she yawns, letting him inside.

He rolls through, stumbling a little upon landing, before dusting himself off.

"We need your help."

"With?" she walks into Bianca's bathroom, brushing her teeth. He follows with a sigh, careful not to alert her parents of his presence.

"I need a lot of meat."

"What?" she raises an eyebrow, words muffled.

"Raw, to be specific."

"One sec," she holds a finger up, finishing with her teeth, before turning to him. "Explain."

"Dustin Henderson has a pet monster on the loose and we need to trap it with raw meat."

"Since when do you hang out with children?" she begins washing her face, confusion evident in her tone.

"He bombarded me when I was coming here yesterday," he shrugs.

"Why were you coming here?" she rinses her face off.

She had a feeling she knew the reason, but with Steve, you can never be too sure.

"It's not important right now. We need meat, and you happen to work at a diner, so..."

"You want me to steal from my job? Are you trying to get me fired?" she gasps.

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