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c h a p t e r f i v e

As soon as Karen and Ted finish eating, the kids run downstairs, bringing El a tray of dinner.

"No adults, just us and some food," Mike attempts, and she glances hesitantly at Dustin and Lucas.

"They won't tell anyone about you. They promise, right?"

"We never would have upset you if we knew you had superpowers," Dustin smiles, and Bianca hits him in the stomach.


"He's just trying to say that they were scared. Kinda like how you were scared last night. They weren't trying to be mean," Bianca explains.

"We just wanted to find our friend."

"Friend?" she asks.

"Yeah, friend. Will?"

"What is friend?"

"Is she serious?" he glances at Bianca, who gives him a look. "Um, a friend-"

"Is someone you'd do anything for."

"You lend them your cool stuff like comic books and trading cards," Dustin adds.

"And you stand up for them," Bianca nods.

"And they never break a promise."

"Especially when there's spit."


"A spit swear means..." he spits into his hand, and Bianca grimaces in disgust. "You never break your word. It's a bond."

Laughing at the pure disgust on Dustin's face, she hands him a towel.

"That's super important, because friends... they tell each other things. Things that parents don't know."


As the party feeds El, Sam strolls into Steve's living room with a smirk. Skating there was easy, and it helped that her parents didn't hear her sneaking out with the board.

"Miss me?" she sings, greeting him with a lingering hug.

"Have you already had a few?" he chuckles, spinning her around a bit.

"No, I'm just happy," she laughs. "Would be happier if Nancy wasn't coming."

"Luz," he sighs.

"You can't just call me Luz and think I'll let you win the conversation," she glares.

"Alright fine. Why do you hate Nance? You guys are a lot alike."

"First off, don't call her Nance. It's gross. Second, do not compare us ever again, it's grosser. Third, it's my best kept secret. You'll never know," she smirks, and he gets closer.

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