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__________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - f i v e

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - f i v e

The next morning comes, and Samantha wakes up feeling much better about last night. She rubs her eyes awake after turning off the alarm clock, catching the shadow of a note in her window.

She walks over to it, knowing what it is, but investigating anyway. Of course, it was from Steve, attached to a daisy.

Meet me after practice. It's important.

- Steve

"We'll see," she crumples the note, getting ready for the day as the smell of breakfast wafts through the house.


The breakfast table was oddly silent this morning, both girls too deep in thought to really engage in their usual banter alongside their mother. It didn't help that Leo had to go into work early that morning.

"¿Que tiénes?"

"No hay bronca," Samantha responds, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Lying is a sin," Gianna frowns, turning to Bianca as well. "You both look like your dog died, so what's the issue?"

"Nothing, ma, seriously," Sam quickly finishes her plate, wanting nothing more to leave the woman's prying gaze.

Luckily, the familiar honk of Dawn's beat up van sounds, giving her the perfect out. She mouths a quick sorry to Bianca, before giving a fake sigh to her mom. "Wish we could finish this conversation, my beautiful mother, but I'm gonna be late."

The woman glares at her, before turning to her youngest. "And you?"

"Mike's got this attitude lately, ever since the boys and I have made a new friend. Her name's Max, and she's like super cool, so I don't get what his problem is."

"He sounds jealous, if you ask me," she shrugs, happy that at least one of her daughters is confiding in her.

"But Max is a girl, and it's not like Mike and I like each other or anything," she grows frantic.

"Uh, calm down, Robin Hood," she attempts to make a pop culture reference. "The one with the nose?"

"That's Pinocchio," she corrects. "And I'm not lying, so your analogy is double wrong."

"Sure. And friends get jealous all the time. It's more about the fact that you, and the boys I assume, are devoting more time to someone other than him."

"Hm," she ponders her mom's words, glancing at the clock. "Still don't appreciate the attitude."

"Fair enough. You better go or you'll be late. Don't forget to come home early for Dia de los Muertos!"

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