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________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - o n e

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - o n e

The next morning comes and the sisters maneuver their shared bathroom together, one brushing her teeth as the other showers.

"Hurry up, Sam, I have to shower too!" Bianca rolls her eyes, with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Blame the stupid pipes in my bathroom! I'll be done in a minute. And don't leave the cap off the toothpaste again, it's gross!"

"Ugh," she rinses her mouth, storming out.

See, the girls were used to having their own bathrooms. They never had to rush a morning shower, or deal with the other's hair clogging the drain. Of course, the pipes bursting in Samantha's bathroom ruined that lifestyle. At least for the next week until Leo could get a plumber.

Eventually, both girls finish getting ready, enjoying their sopapillas, with Bianca's occasional attempts to sneak a sip of Sam's coffee before their mother could catch her. Leo always saw, but decided to let the girl enjoy her fun, not seeing the harm in one sip.

"Any plans today?"

"Cheer practice," Sam nods. "One of them is getting really good, her name's Chrissy."

"That's nice. Make sure you hydrate. Your cousin Mila passed out at track practice because-"

"-She didn't get enough water, we know. You tell me every day before practice," she chuckles.

"Be nice. Your mom's repetitiveness is only to protect you," Leo jokes.

"Make fun all you want. Algún día me lo agradecerás. Now Bianca, what about you?"

"Um, not sure. We might go to the arcade again."

"Maybe you should join a sport. Get some activity in your life?"

"So I can pass out like Mila? De eso nada," she retorts, earning a glare from her mother.

"At least your teaching is effective," Leo shrugs, as Dawn strolls into the house.

"Buenos días, Flores family," she grins, as Gianna makes her a plate.

"Morning Dawn," everyone says at the same time.

She quickly finishes the food, thanking Sam's parents profusely, before leading Samantha to her minivan.


The girls enjoy their typical ride, about to pull into their usual parking spot a few spots away from Steve's car, only for a black convertible to zoom past them, sliding in before they could get a chance.

A redhead girl hops out, immediately skating towards the middle school. Poor thing looked miserable.

Sam then opens her window, sticking her head out as Dawn honks. "You almost hit us!"

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