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__________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y  e i g h t

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t y  e i g h t


"Come on, Bianca, Steve's waiting!" Sam shouts from the bottom of the steps.

Ah, the night of the annual Snow Ball. It had been all Bianca could talk about for the month. Sam couldn't blame her, this was exactly what she'd wanted.

Being reminded of how sucky her own Snow Ball was, Sam made it her mission to make sure Bianca got everything she wanted. She helped her pick out a dress, sewing mini stars into the pink fabric, and curled her hair for her, pinning it back on both sides.

"I'm coming, stop rushing me!" she runs downstairs, fully prepared to head straight to the car.

Of course, her parents don't let that happen.

"Hold on, we have to take pictures!" Gianna yells, doing a little dance with the camera.


"Listen to your mother, Bianca. Now smile!" Leo gives a dramatic grin as his wife holds up the camera.

"You look so pretty, B," Sam smiles.

"Thanks Sam," she responds between poses. "Can we go now? I'm already late as is."

"Fine, excuse your mother for wanting to make memories!" Gianna waves them toward the door. "Both of you, home by-"

"Midnight, we know," they cut her off, swiftly running out to Steve's car.

"How did you guys manage to take as long as Dustin?" he questions.

"Because Dustin looks like he spent three hours on his hair alone," Bianca's eyes widen at his hairdo.

"It's her first dance, Steve, show mercy," Sam defends, before turning to the boy in the passenger seat. "You look snazzy."

"Really? You think-" he glances as Steve, who silently tells him to tone it down. "Thanks."

"Oh God, what are you teaching him?" Bianca gags, as they arrive to the school.

"Alright, I'm out. Dawn's taking us home, right?"

"Yep. Have fun," Sam sings, waving to her sister as she runs up to the ticket booth.

She eyes Dawn working the booth and beckons her over.

"Nice dress, Henderson. You fit right in," Sam teases.

"And what a conveniently short skirt for a night out with Steve. You are positively scandalous."

"We're friends. Just friends. Anything else gets too complicated," she shrugs. "Plus the whole Nancy thing... It's too much."

"I know your eyes are defective and all, but there's no way you don't see how he looks at you. He's doing it right now!" Dawn scoffs, making Sam briefly turn around.

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