Pink child: Jazmine and Vorvomon || Chapter 2

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"Oh my gosh... I AM SO EXCITED!!" Labramon exclaims happily. "I can't wait to see Erik again!!"
"I know, right? It's been forever since I've seen Axel!" ExTyrannomon agrees, all the Digimon excitedly chatting between one another, about the enthusiasm to reunite with their partners once more, Taeka smiling down at them.
"Man, I know how you guys feel... I'm sure everyone's gonna be excited to see you all again!" Taeka says.
"Hey, Taeka!" Taeka suddenly hears Blaine calling to her from a distance, running up to everyone. "We all heard you yelling from up there. Are you-" Blaine spoke, but quickly froze with shock when he saw all the Digimon, all their eyes lightening up at his arrival.
"Oh my gosh, it's Blaine! This is so awesome!" Labramon exclaims.
"Wha... What the..." Blaine only muttered in confusion, snapping out of his confusion state when Ryudamon ran towards Blaine, quickly hugging him.
"Blaine! Goodness, you have no idea how good it is to see you..." Ryudamon says, Blaine hugging him back for a moment.
"Ryudamon, I... I'm happy to see you too, but um... What are you guys doing here?" Blaine asks.
"You know what? That's actually a good question... What are you all doing here in the first place?" Taeka asks, the Digimon all silent as they exchanged glances.
"Hmm... Well, let's talk about it when we're all inside..." Taeka says.
"Ok! Oh, wait a minute, I forgot about something..." Dracomon says, turning around and taking a few steps back into the alleyway. "We um, have these other friends with us... Herissmon, Guidemon! Come over here, you two!" The second Dracomon calls, two Digimon step out from the darkness...

 Herissmon, Guidemon! Come over here, you two!" The second Dracomon calls, two Digimon step out from the darkness

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One of them was Herissmon, a small, porcupine looking Digimon, who shyly looked away, mumbling softly

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One of them was Herissmon, a small, porcupine looking Digimon, who shyly looked away, mumbling softly. "Um... H-hi..."
The other was Guidemon, a floating, robotic Digimon, who smiled and waved, doing an excited spin and speaking in a robotic voice. "Hello! It's very nice to meet you all!"
"Hmm... Herissmon, and Guidemon? Who are you two...?" Blaine mumbles curiously.
"Aw, it doesn't matter... They can hang out with us!" Taeka happy says. "Come on guys, let's go!" Taeka, Blaine, and all the Digimon walk back inside the building, making their way up the stairs, as Taeka and Blaine walk back into their room, the Digimon all standing behind them in the hallways.
"Um... Guys? You won't believe who we found outside..." Taeka says, everyone giving her a confused look... As all the Digimon suddenly burst into the room, running up to their completely shocked partners.
"ERIIIIK!! ERIK ERIK, IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!" Labramon screeched excitedly, Erik chuckling as he tightly hugged his partner. "Whoa, calm down, Labramon! It's so nice to see you again too, buddy..."
"YAAAAY, AXEL!!" ExTyrannomon charges forward, tackling Axel in a hug that makes him fall to the ground. "Whoa, ExTyrannomon! Don't kill me before we can be reunited buddy, heheh..."
"I missed you so much, Cora..." BlackGabumon softly mumbles, softly hugging Cora. "Wow, BlackGabumon... I really missed you too, buddy..."
"It's so nice to see you again, Lily... You've grown so much taller!" Lopmon smiles, her and Lily hugging. "Heheh, I know... Hey, Lopmon, you're no longer in your X antibody form..." Lily says.
"Yeah, I transformed back to my normal form shortly after you left..." Lopmon responds. "Guess that X antibody doesn't last forever..."
"We um, also found a couple of new Digimon friends with them..." Blaine says, motioning as Herissmon and Guidemon enter the room, who both happily introduce themselves.
"Man, this is so cool, but so weird... How and when did you guys arrive in our world?" Cora asks.
"Hmm, I don't remember how long it was, exactly..." Labramon says.
"Yeah, we all just randomly woke up here this morning..." Dracomon adds. "Guidemon also arrived here at the same time with us..."
"We've spent the whole day running around, and just so happened to finally run into you all just now..." Lopmon says.
"Weird... But what about Herissmon? How'd you guys meet him?" Blaine asks.
"We ended up running into him while we were looking around the city..." Ryudamon answers.
"Yeah, I've been here a bit longer then the others..." Herissmon says. "I arrived here in this world last night..."
"Weird... Wait a minute, are you Digidestined? Do you two have partners?" Erik asks, the two both shaking their heads no.
"No, I've never had a partner before... I've always wanted one though." Herissmon says.
"Hey, maybe we can help you find one!" Cora says.
"What about you, Guidemon? You want us to help you find a partner too?" Axel asks.
"Nope! I have no desire to have a partner... My only purpose and need is to help you Digidestined look for Digimon!" Guidemon happily states, everyone exchanging confused looks.
"Um... What does that mean, Guidemon? Does that mean you're able to like, track down Digimon or something?" Lily asks.
"Precisely! I have the ability to track and scan any nearby areas for Digimon..." Guidemon says. "I can even detect if they're good or bad!"
"Whoa, that's so cool! Can you detect any other Digimon in our area right now?" Taeka asks.
"Let me Check! Scanning... Area..." Guidemon pauses, a loading screen appearing on their computer screen face for a moment, before a map of the city boots up. "...Nope! No other Digimon detected besides us!"
"Something really isn't right here..." Blaine says. "Why would our Digimon randomly be dropped off here in our world for no reason?"
"Maybe it's possible the Digimon are finally able to live in our world?" Cora asks.
"No, Blaine's got a point..." Lily says. "Our Digimon just so happened to have been dropped off here, all together... On the same day as our reunion? It seems like way too much of a coincidence..."
"Yeah, and our Digimon always show up in our world when some kind of crisis is going on..." Erik adds.
"Do you guys remember anything bad going on in the Digital World before you all arrived here?" Blaine asks, the Digimon all exchanging looks as they shook their heads no. "Not really... Actually, we don't remember anything about how why we arrived here..." Dracomon says. "I still don't remember anything bad, though..." Dracomon says, Herissmon and Guidemon nodding in agreement.
"But... Guidemon didn't detect any bad Digimon, so we should be safe for now... Right?" Cora says.
"Yeah, but more Digimon could pop up any second now..." Lily says. "I mean, if Herissmon and Guidemon randomly showed up here, who knows what else could pop up here tomorrow! Or any day!"
"Well, then... I think it's time for us to make a plan!" Taeka loudly announces, everyone curiously turning to her. "Tomorrow, let's all split up and look around the city, for whatever clues we can find about whatever the heck is going on!" Everyone seemed pretty on board with this idea, nodding in agreement as Lily pulled out her phone, texting somebody. "I'm gonna text Jake about what's happening..." She says. "I wanna see if him and the others reunited with their partners as well. I know it's pretty late though, it might be a bit before he responds..."
"It's still a good idea, though... We're gonna need all the help we can get." Taeka says. "One thing is for sure... Trouble is coming, and we need to prepare for it."
"Hey, Taeka? One more thing..." Blaine approaches Taeka, reaching out one hand. "...My pocket knife. I need it back."
"Huh...? Oh, right!" Taeka chuckles, quickly handing him back his knife. "Forgot I had that... Heh."

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