Project: Elijah || Chapter 15

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A few days had passed since Doctor X brought Troopmon back to his lab. Ever since Doctor X brought Troopmon back, He had been nothing but cruel to the poor Digimon, torturing and hurting him relentlessly to get information out of him.... But still received nothing in return. Blaine was still strapped to the chair, unable to do anything as he was forced to watch Doctor X torture Troopmon for days.
"I'm not screwing around, Troopmon..." Doctor X hissed, kicking Troopmon to the ground roughly. "Tell me what you know... NOW."
"I..." Troopmon was shaking, his body covered with bruises and scratches. "I can't..."
"God... You are completely USELESS!!" Doctor X pulled out his taser and zapped Troopmon, making him go unconscious.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Blaine asked, a horrified look on his face.
"SHUT UP!!" Doctor X quickly snapped back at him.
"No! I've been watching you torture Troopmon for days, I am NOT gonna shut up about it anymore!" Blaine snapped. Doctor X inhaled angrily out of his nose, taking a few steps closer to Blaine. "Do you wanna get tortured next?" He hissed. Blaine gulped nervously, but still kept a confident, stern expression.
"...You don't scare me." Blaine hissed. "You're just some bully hiding behind all your technology and machinery."
"...Say that again. I dare you."
"...Fuck you." Blaine hissed.
WHAP!! Doctor X suddenly punched Blaine in the face, bruising his nose as it started to bleed. "Shut the fuck up kid, remember who's domain that you're in right now..." Doctor X raised his fist, preparing to hit him again...
Ding! But a sudden alert was heard from Doctor X's computer. Doctor X quickly lowered his fist, running over to his computer as he started typing. "Yes! It's finally ready..."
"Urgh... What exactly is ready?" Blaine asked.
"...Someone died in the Digital World. Is that correct?" Doctor X asked.
"Yeah, actually..." Blaine remembered the group's trip to the Digital World all those years ago, when one of the Demondestined had gotten killed by Barbamon. "How do you know about that?"
"I'm able to scan parts of the Digital World, straight from my computer, and one of my programs allows me to sometimes bring certain data to our world..." Doctor X explains. "While I was scanning the Digital World, I detected some data that belonged to a human, that I wanted to bring here first... And it looks like it's worked! This person's data is now inside my computer... The person's name is Elijah, correct?"
"Uh...Yeah, actually..." Blaine responds. "What are you... Gonna do with him?"
"I actually have a method I can use to bring him back to life..." Doctor X says.
"Oh come on, there's no way that's possible..." Blaine rolled his eyes. "How the hell are you even gonna do that?"
"If I combine his data with a Digimon's, it's possible to actually bring him back to life as a Digimon..." Doctor X says, looking back at Blaine smirking. "Amazing, isn't it? with my technology, I have the power to reverse death and make humans immortal!!"
"Ugh, I don't know if I'm a fan of this..." Blaine sighed. "I mean, messing around with Mother Nature like this... Is this really a good idea? What happened to Elijah was screwed up, but humans eventually die for a reason... And besides, this isn't really making humans immortal, it's just gonna make us extinct instead..."
"Eh, you'd get used to it eventually." Doctor X shrugged. "You'll accept it eventually... After all, this is the future... Anyways, I have the perfect Digimon to combine Elijah's data with..." Doctor X reached into his pocket, pulling out Taeka's Digivice. "One of your Digidestined friends dropped her Digivice in the cities. I've discovered that it contains the data of Digi-eggs... I can combine that data with Elijah's data, and bring him back to life!"
"God dammit, Taeka..." Blaine huffed.
"Heh... Now we're really ready for the future."

A few of the remaining group members were hanging out in the room, pretty freaked out by everything that was happening, as they were sturggling on what to do next. Herissmon was freaking out in the corner, Charlee holding him and comforting him. Liam and Jazmine were sitting alone, exchanging worried looks.
"What the heck are we gonna do? I can't stand seeing everyone like this..." Jazmine sighs.
"I don't know... This dark one Digimon or whatever the hell it's supposed to be is nothing like anything we've fought before..." Liam says.
"Maybe we should try looking for Tsukaimon?" Jazamon suggests. "I mean, he knows more about the dark one than any of us do... Maybe he has more information that could help us."
"That sounds like a good idea... But where would we find him?" Vorvomon asked, Jazmine standing up out of her seat. "I don't know, but we have to find him. We don't have much of a choice at this point." Jazmine says, Liam also getting out of his seat.
"You're right. Let's go."

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