Awaken ZeedMillenniumon || FINALE

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Jazmine, Logan and Veemon, Guidemon, and Voodoomon all stared up at Lavogaritamon, sharing a mix of different expressions. Lavogaritamon was twice the size of his champion form, hot heat waves emanating off his body, as bits of hot cinders sprinkled forth from the flames.
"Voodoomon..." Jazmine's voice was low with pure rage, her fists clenched and shaking as she glared up at him. "I'm gonna kill you for what you did to Troopmon.
"..." Voodoomon glared down at her, suddenly cackling loudly, his voice shaking the area. "HAHAHAHAHA!! You think you scare me? Even if you've somehow managed to Digivolve to the next level, my power still far outranks yours..."
"MERUDAINA!!" Lavogaritamon fired a giant ray of heat from his mouth, attacking Voodoomon, but it barely phased him. Voodoomon then whacked Lavogaritamon away powerfully, knocking him to the ground.
"Oh no... Veemon, we gotta help them out." Logan says, Veemon nodding.
UlforceVeedramon slowly floated upwards, up to Voodoomon's eye level.
"Pfft... I ain't scared of you." Voodoomon scoffed.
"...You should be." Logan hissed, glaring up at Voodoomon with tears in his eyes. "Troopmon was my friend, and now he's never gonna have the chance at living a problem life of freedom... All because of you!! I AM NOT LETTING YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!"
"ULFORCE SABER!!" UlforceVeedramon quickly slashed with his saber, but instead of attacking Voodoomon, he slashed behind himself instead.
"...HA!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Voodoomon cackled. "You think you stand a chance against me with aim like that?!"
"...I wasn't aiming for you." UlforceVeedramon says.
"...Huh?" Voodoomon's smile faded away when he noticed what UlforceVeedramon was really aiming at... It was the strings. UlforceVeedramon's attack slashed right through everyone's strings... Taeka and Dracomon, Charlee and Herissmon, Liam and Jazamon, Cora and BlackGabumon, and Hoshi and Kudamon... Snapping everyone out of their puppeted trances.
"Wha...? What the heck is going on here?" Taeka asked, looking around.
"Voodoomon's been keeping us all prisoner here as our puppets..." Jazmine says.
"Yeah, and he killed Troopmon too..." Logan says. Everyone gasps, all glaring up at Voodoomon, who was now starting to look nervous, as everyone's Digivices started glowing...


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