Star bladers || Chapter 9

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It's been a few days since everyone had returned back from the camping trip, not running into any more bad Digimon since then. For the past few days, everyone had been hanging out in the party room, mostly just waiting for something else to happen. Logan still had that knocked out Troopmon in the room too, trying to find a way to wake him up, but hasn't had much luck yet. While Logan was tinkering around with the coding system on his Digivice, Veemon, Blaine, and Ryudamon carefully watched him.
"So, Logan... Have you figured out how to wake him up yet?" Blaine asked.
"Nope, not even close yet..." Logan sighed. "I even asked Guidemon for help, and he has no idea either..."
"Man, this is all so weird..." Blaine says. "Where the heck did the Troopmon even come from anyways? And all these other evil Digimon..."
"I'm not sure... But I think those other evil Digimon you guys have been fighting aren't coming from the same source as those Troopmon we fought..." Logan states.
"Wait, what? How does that make any sense?" Blaine asks, looking a bit shocked. "Does that mean there's more then one person after us?"
"Maybe... Those Troopmon were specifically looking for us Digidestined, that's why I think they might be coming from different sources..." Logan says. "I'm not entirely sure though, it's just a theory... Hopefully if I can crack into Troopmon's coding and wake him up, I can get some kind of answer..."
"Yeah, I hope so..." Blaine sighed. "We gotta figure this all out soon, or it's never gonna end." Blaine took a deep breath, casually stretching back in his chair. Meanwhile, Taeka and Dracomon walked into the room, Taeka holding something behind her back.
"You sure this is a good idea, Taeka?" Dracomon asked.
"Don't worry, Dracomon! The love master knows what she's doing..." Taeka says, giving a thumbs up. "All they need is a little push tonight, and there's not much going on anyways... HEY!! Charlee, Cora, Jake, and Lily... Can I talk to you guys for a moment?" Taeka calls to them, the four of them running up to her. "I got a surprise for you all... Hey Lily, remember that roller rink we used to go to a lot as kids?" Taeka asked.
"Yeah, I remember... It was called the Star Blader's Roller Rink." Lily says.
"Hey, I remember that place too... I've been there a few times with you guys before." Jake adds.
"I don't think I've ever been to that place..." Cora says.
"Yeah, me neither... Never had a place like that back in Texas." Charlee adds.
"Ooh, it's like this super fun roller rink!" Lily smiled, explaining. "It's like space themed, and it also has an arcade there too! It's kind of a small place, but I remember having so much fun going there as a kid..."
"Yup! Look what I got!" Taeka revealed to everyone what she was hiding behind her back... Five tickets to the Star Blader's Roller Rink, the tickets being a holographic purple, with stars sprinkled on them. Everyone gasped at the sight of them, Lily being the most excited, as she squealed with a big smile on her face.
"Oh my gosh... Taeka, this is AWESOME!!" Lily squealed happily, but her smile quickly faded away. "Wait, hold on a second... Taeka, you sure it's safe for us to go there tonight?"
"Yeah, of course it's fine!" Taeka says, with a reassuring smile. "We haven't had any Digimon attacks for days now... And besides, if anything does happen in the cities, the others will be here to take care of it!"
"Hmm..." Lily was thinking, still looking a bit unsure. "But what if, like... Something follows us and attacks us there?"
"We could always sneak Terriermon and Lopmon in there, just in case..." Jake says. "They're both pretty small, so we could fit them into my bag."
"Hmm... I guess that could work..." Lily says, her smile coming back. "Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so much fun!!"
"Ooh, did you guys say we can come with?" Terriermon asks, him and Lopmon walking up to everyone.
"Yeah, but we're gonna have to put you both in disguises, and sneak you two in..." Jake explains. "And when we get there, you guys can't cause any trouble, or draw too much attention to yourselves, alright?"
"Ok! I'm gonna bring my phone and make videos there!" Terriermon says, smiling.
"Hey, can we come with too?" Herissmon asks, him and BlackGabumon walking up to them.
"No, sorry, I think it's too risky to bring you guys too..." Charlee says. "Besides, Lopmon and Terriermon are a lot smaller, and easier to sneak in..."
"Aww, ok... Well, I hope you guys have fun!" BlackGabumon says, smiling.
"Thanks, BlackGabumon... Maybe I can bring something back for you." Cora says.
"Aw boo, I wish I could come with too..." Dracomon pouted.
"Don't pout, Dracomon... I'll bring something good back for you from the prize counter!" Taeka says, winking.
"Hey Taeka, if you don't mind me asking... Where'd you get the money for these tickets?" Lily asked.
"Uh, well..."
"Did mom pay for these tickets?"

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