Awaken the Shadow Triad || Chapter 19

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"Urgh..." Jazmine and Vorvomon grumbled, opening their eyes as they stood up.
"What the... Where are we..." Jazmine's voice quickly trailed off when she saw who was standing in front of them...

" Jazmine's voice quickly trailed off when she saw who was standing in front of them

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There he was... Voodoomon. Although Voodoomon now looked a lot bigger, looking like he was easily the size of a big building, towering dozens of feet over the two.
"Jazmine... Vorvomon... I'm glad you two are finally here..." Voodoomon's voice echoed, a giant, creepy smirk on his face. "Welcome to the Shadow Realm... Home to the Shadow Triad."
"Um..." Jazmine gulped nervously, looking up at Voodoomon's form. "I don't understand... What's going on h- AGHH!!"
Jazmine screeched with horror as she looked at her surroundings. They were all sitting in a dark dimension, where their surroundings were filled with nothing but complete darkness swirling around. Jazmine was feeling nervous from their new surroundings, but what really horrified her... Was a bunch of the group members all surrounding her, with wide eyed smiles on their faces, as they were all standing still, definitely being turned into Voodoomon's puppets. Charlee and Herissmon, Liam and Jazamon, Cora and BlackGabumon, Taeka and Dracomon, Logan and Veemon, Hoshi and Kudamon, Troopmon, and Guidemon were all surrounding the two.
"WELCOME, JAZMINE! WELCOME, VORVOMON!! WE'RE SO DELIGHTED TO PLAY WITH YOU!!" Everyone all spoke in unison, speaking in a robotic tone.
"Stop it, Voodoomon!!" Jazmine freaked out. "Stop doing this to my friends!!"
"Hey, relax Jazmine, we're just playing around... Just like you agreed to..." Voodoomon says.
"None of my friends agreed to become your mindless puppets!" Jazmine snapped.
"That may be true, but remember that they took you away from me..." Voodoomon hissed. "So I'm taking them... As my REVENGE."
"Please stop, Voodoomon, t-this isn't fun for anyone..." Jazmine pleaded.
"Oh, really now? Cause this is pretty fun for me..." Voodoomon smirked.
"But you still can't just do this to people!" Jazmine says, looking around at her surroundings again. "But I still don't understand... Where have you even taken us? What is this place...?"
"I already told you, Jazmine... We're in the Shadow Realm."
"But I still don't understand... You said this is home to the Shadow Triad? Who is the Shadow Triad supposed to be?" Jazmine asked.
"Look around you, Jazmine... Notice how some of your friends are missing? I'm not the only one who's been kidnapping around here..." Voodoomon says. "I am one of the members of the Shadow Triad myself... My creator... And the creator of my creator... Those two are the other members of the Shadow Triad."
"Wait a minute... I remember hearing the name of someone known as the Dark One..." Jazmine says. "Are you of you supposed to be the Dark One?"
"Correct... We're all technically dark ones, but the creator of my creator is the true dark one." Voodoomon says. "The true dark one is the one who ordered me and my creator to take all you Digidestined... They originally wanted you all to be killed, but I'm glad they let us do whatever we want with you all. Cause if you ask me... Playing with you guys in my pocket of the shadow realm forever is much funner. Now I really won't be alone anymore... I can play with you and all of your friends as long as I want to."
"SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!" Jazmine snapped, screaming at him furiously, surprising both Vorvomon and even Voodoomon.
"Jazmine... That's not how friends speak to each other." Voodoomon said, his smile fading away.
"Voodoomon... If you were truly my friend, you wouldn't be kidnapping my friends and taking them away from me!!" Jazmine snapped, her voice low with pure rage. "You're not my friend... Not anymore."
"...You don't have a say in this, Jazmine..." Voodoomon frowned, glaring at Jazmine. "You're gonna be my best friend forever... Whether you like it or not. "Now that I have my full powers, I know what my true purpose is. And you said you were gonna play with me, so... ITS TIME TO PLAY."
Voodoomon snapped, and all of the puppeted group members slowly started walking towards Jazmine and Vorvomon, as they slowly stepped backwards and away.
"NO!! STOP!!"

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