Camp out || Chapter 8

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It was the next day, bright and early in the morning. Everyone was at the room, getting ready for the camping trip to the woods where Guidemon had detected a Digimon presence. Camping supplies were spread all over the tables, everyone making sure they had enough of everything.
"...Alright! Let's make sure we have everything!" Jazmine states. "Ok... We got the tents?"
"I've got em!" Taeka says, pointing to folded up tents next to her.
"Ok, good... And the snacks and drinks?" Jazmine asks.
"Taken care of!" Erik says, holding up some ziplock bags of food and water bottles.
"Good... Ok..." Jazmine's eyes look over at various survival and camping items strewn on the table, checking off a list.
"It it just me, or does this all seem like a bit much just for one night?" Ryudamon asks.
"It does seem like a bit much, but hey, better safe then sorry." Axel says.
"Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!" Jazmine squealed excitedly. "I haven't gone camping since I was a kid!"
"We're still on a mission here though, Jazmine..." Blaine says.
"Yeah, I know... But hey, we can still have fun and defeat Digimon at the same time!" Jazmine says.
"Hey..." Erik looks over at Logan, Hoshi, and Allison, looking a bit upset. "I feel bad you two aren't coming with. Are you sure you're all alright with it?" He asks.
"Hey don't worry, we're honestly fine with it..." Logan says, Allison and Hoshi nodding in agreeance. "I have a bunch of homework to do... And besides, I'm not really a fan of all the bugs in the woods." Logan says.
"Oh, snap... Speaking of bugs, is anyone bringing bug spray with?" Jake asks.
"Yeah, I've got some." Blaine says, holding up a bottle.
"Oh, thank goodness..." Jake sighed with relief.
"Jake, why are you so worried about bugs?" Terriermon asks.
"Do you know how many diseases mosquitoes carry, Terriermon?!" Jake says. "I'm way more likely to die from a bug bite then from a Digimon."
"Isn't this gonna be so much fun, Liam?" Jazmine says, Liam sighing.
"Ugh, I honestly don't feel like going..." Liam grumbled. "Besides, you guys have enough people going with you."
"What?! Oh come on Liam, don't be such a downer!" Jazmine pouted. Liam looked away from Jazmine, Jazmine crossing her arms in annoyance at him.
"Liam..." Jazmine sighed. "If you don't come with us, I'll cut off your dreads in your sleep.
"...Ugh, fine. I'll go." Liam finally complied.
"Yay!" Jazmine looked at Logan, Allison and Hoshi, sighing quietly. "I still feel bad everyone can't come with, though..."
"Hey, you guys honestly gotta stop worrying about us." Allison says. "We're gonna spend the whole night binge watching movies again."
"And besides, somebodies gotta stay in the cities in case another Digimon attacks out of nowhere." Hoshi says. "And we'll make sure Guidemon and Herissmon stay safe too."
"Aw, I wish I could come with..." Herissmon says, smiling. "But I'll be ok! Have fun today, Charlee!"
"Oh you know I will." Charlee smiles.
"Ooh! Jake! Can I bring my phone with too?" Terriermon asks.
"Yeah sure, but... There's not gonna be any WiFi out there in the woods." Jake responds.
"WiFi? What's that?" Terriermon cocks his head in confusion.
"Internet service, basically. It's how phones and computers and such connect to the internet." Jake explains.
"Oh, ok... Well, I'll just make a bunch of videos, and upload them to my YouTube channel when we get back!" Terriermon says.
"Ok... Wait, you have a YouTube channel?!" Jake says.
"Alright, looks like we have everything ready!" Taeka says. "Everyone... LET'S GO! IT'S CAMPING TIME!!"

Sometime later...
After an hour long road trip, the group finally arrived in the forest. Everyone walked through the paths in the woods, walking pretty deep in. Eventually, they all found a nice clearing next to a lake, making it their spot to camp out for the day. Everyone split off into different chores, some setting up the tents, and some going out and looking for wood, to build a campfire before the sun went down. It was still pretty early in the morning, so most of the people who were working weren't exactly in a rush, all taking their time and having fun together.
"Hey, me and Terriermon are gonna go out and look for more wood!" Jake calls to the group members at the camp site.
"Alright! Just call us if you need help with anything!" Cora says. Jake and Terriermon walk through the trees by themselves, Jake looking around.
"Man, I really hope we don't run into any bears out here..." Jake muttered.
"Bears? Are those animals who are like... Big, brown, and fluffy?" Terriermon asked.
"Yeah, that's right... There's always been bears spotted out in these woods..." Jake says. "Except the ones out here are black, not brown..."
"Oh, man... Jake, remember the day we met?" Terriermon asks. "Before I ran into you, I got attacked by a bear! We ended up fighting, and it knocked me off a cliff!"
"Whoa, that sounds pretty scary..." Jake says. "At least now you can Digivolve, though. Makes bears a bit less scary..."
"Yeah, that's true..." Terriermon says. "I'm never scared anymore as long as I have my partner with me! Now, we can protect each other..." Terriermon says, him and Jake smiling at each other. The two continued walking around in the woods, collecting some wood and branches. The two were silent for a bit, until Terriermon asked Jake something.
"Hey, Jake... Can I ask you something? Are you and Lily married yet?"
"Wh-what?!" Terriermon's question startled Jake, causing him to drop all the wood he was carrying. "Wh-why would we be married?! We're way too young for that!!"
"Oh, right... Well, are you two at least dating yet? Or told her you're in love with her?" Terriermon asks.
"I'm not... N-no, I haven't told her yet..." Jake muttered, looking away as his face flushed a bright red.
"Aw, what? Why not?" Terriermon asked.
"I'm just... I'm really scared, Terriermon. Of how she's gonna react..." Jake sighs. "We've been friends forever, and I don't wanna lose that in case she doesn't feel the same way. Losing her as a friend would hurt way more..."
"Oh... Well, I still think you should try at least! Especially if she does actually like you back!" Terriermon says. "And besides, the woods are a pretty romantic setting if you ask me... Please, just try to confess to her once... Please, please, please!"
"Ok, fine! Only to get you to stop talking about it..." Jake huffed.
"Yay!" Terriermon excitedly jumped up and down. "Ok, let's bring this wood back to the camp site now!"

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