Trick or treat || Chapter 7

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It was the next day, pretty late in the day, as the clock read: 7:01 PM. An hour and a half away from the time where Guidemon said that some evil Digimon would appear in their world. It was Halloween night, and right now everyone was in the room, getting ready to leave and find the evil Digimon before they showed up. Some of the group members were also wearing Halloween costumes, patiently waiting, as Lily, Jake, and Taeka all walked into the room, also wearing their own costumes.
"Hey, everyone! Like our costumes?" Taeka giggled excitedly, stretching our her arms to show off her costume, Taeka wearing a Yoshi costume that appeared to be a onesie. Lily also showed off her outfit, wearing a Princess Peach costume.
"Uh... I understand your guy's costumes, but uh..." Liam looks over to Jake, looking like he was stifling a laugh. "What the hell are you supposed to be wearing?" Liam asked, Jake grumbling as he stretched out his arms, showing off his outfit. Jake was wearing a black hoodie and black sweatpants, both articles of clothing heavily wrapped up in various colors of bright reflective tape. "It's a long story..." Jake grumbled. "Every year on Halloween, my mom makes me wear these bright colored outfits, so I don't accidentally get hit by a car or whatever."
"Surprisingly, this is one of the less weird costumes his mom has made him wear..." Lily says, chuckling. "If you think this is weird, you should see the disco outfit he wore last year. I can show you guys pictures if you'd like..."
"No, p-please don't show them those pictures!!" Jake whimpers.
"Hey, you guys like my outfit?" Terriermon giggled, stretching out his arms and showing off his, his body wrapped up in a black cloth. "I'm a ninja! Heehee..."
"I told Terriermon the Digimon didn't need to wear costumes tonight, but he still insisted on wanting one..." Jake says, smiling. "That costume is actually just toilet paper colored in with sharpie."
"You guys like my vampire costume?" Axel says, showing off his costume, with a mix of dark red and black colors in the outfit.
"Hey, about mine?" Jazmine giggled and smiled, showing off her pink cat onesie costume she was wearing. "Hey Erik, why didn't you wear an outfit tonight? We could've gone matching or something!"
"Yeah, I wish I could've..." Erik sighed, looking down at his normal outfit. "I just got so busy, I didn't have the time to..."
"Hey, wait a minute..." Jazmine looks around the room, noticing that no one else is wearing costumes. "Hey, what the heck? Why isn't anyone else wearing costumes?!"
"Hey, I'm wearing a costume." Blaine says.
"Hm? What are you dressed up as then?" Jazmine says, cocking her head in confusion.
"The rest of us are actually staying back in the room..." Liam adds in. "You know, just as back up. In case anything bad happens."
"Yeah, me and Cora brought a bunch of horror movies..." Allison says, holding up a variety of DVDs. "We're gonna spend the whole night binge watching em!"
"Hey, Cora... I thought you wanted to come with us?" Taeka asks Cora, walking up to her.
"Oh yeah. Well, I was thinking about it, but I changed my mind..." Cora paused, lowering her voice as she looked over at Charlee, smiling. "I wanna stay here and hang out with her instead."
"Ohhhh, I get it..." Taeka smiles, winking. "Alright then, you guys have fun then!"
"Make sure to bring back some extra candy for me!" Allison says.
"Don't you worry, everyone..." Terriermon smiled, holding up two big pillowcases. "Jake's gonna take me trick or treating as well, so I'm gonna bring back some extra candy for everyone!"
"Alright then, let's see... So..." Taeka counted everyone in the room, keeping track of who was staying and who was coming with. "Me, Lily, Jake, Erik, Axel, and Jazmine are going... And everyone else is staying then... Sweet! So, is everyone ready?" Taeka asks, everyone nodding in response.
"Yeah!" Jazmine cheered. "Let's do this!!"

Sometime later...
The six of them all made their way out to the neighborhood where the Digimon were eventually gonna show up, looking up at the sun which was starting to set, the time now being: 7:25 PM.
"We still have an hour until the Digimon show up..." Erik says.
"Yeah! That gives me an hour of free time to go trick or treating!" Terriermon cheers. "Candy, here I come!"
"Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!" Lily smiles cheerfully. "I've missed trick or treating, it's been a while since I've gone... I had a lot of fun with it when I was a kid..."
"Yeah, me too... I miss our special tradition me and Lily we used to do every year too..." Taeka says.
"What was your special tradition?" Jazmine asks.
"Every year, our dad would take us to this neighborhood an hour away where a bunch of rich people in these huge mansions lived..." Taeka explains. "It was so much fun cause we'd always get these huge candy bars from every house!"
"Whoa... That does sound like a lot of fun!" Jazmine says.
"Yeah... No wonder neither of you ever wanted to go trick or treating with me, heh..." Erik says.
"Yeah, it was something we always had to do together. Last year was the last time we went, though..." Lily says, smiling.
"Yeah, usually it's just the two of us and dad that go, but there was one night we brought Jake with us..." Taeka says. "But that night we ended up getting chased by this dude in a clown costume holding a chainsaw... Jake got so scared by him that he wet himself, so his mom wouldn't allow him to come with us anymore."
"Geez Taeka, don't tell them about that!" Jake whimpered in embarrassment.
"Dude, relax! You were like, 5 when that happened... No need to be embarrassed..." Taeka says.
"Ugh, whatever... L-let's just find where those Digimon are supposed to show up already... Before the sun goes down..." Jake says, quickly changing the subject.
"Guidemon did put the locations in our Digivices..." Axel says. "Let's see..." Everyone pulled out their Digivices, showing the maps, which showed three different spots marked on it, all in different locations.
"Three different spots... Maybe we should all split up in groups of two then..." Erik says.
"Alright then, me and Jake can look in this spot..." Lily says.
"Ooh, I'll go to this far away spot with Erik then!" Jazmine says.
"Then that leaves me and Axel with this spot!" Taeka says.
"Alright then, everyone..." Dracomon smiles with determination. "Let's go kick some Digimon butt!!"

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