Chapter 1

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Kongpob's POV:

A smile spread across my face, when I heard my alarm. Excited, nervous and hopeful, I started my day, after a 30 mins jog - something I have been doing for as long as I can remember. Imagining my first day to be similar to the ones in the drama, I expected all roses and rainbows, on my way to my collage, only to find confused and anxious faces all over the campus. There were a lot of students lost, some asking for directions, some trying to figure things on their own, some waiting impatiently to start their college life.

Thanking my stars, I entered the college with Em, my highschool friend.Walking around, I found myself smiling, with a tinge of pride, as I had already acclimatized myself with the campus, when I visited this college once, before applying for Engineering. The fateful day - for more than one reasons. That day was when I decided to pursue engineering; met the most beautiful man on Earth, who by some miracle decided to help me choose the course - someone whom I would never forget, and can't wait to meet.

I quickly settled in class, went through orientation and got to make a few friends as well. So far, the day has ticked off all important boxes, of first day - fun, friends and food. We were asked to assemble in a huge hall for hazing activities. Somehow, the vibe just changed, as soon as we filled the hall. There was a gloomy, heavy feeling, that filled the air when everyone started discussing about hazing. Some expressed resistance, while some just chose to resign to their fate.

Being the opinionated person that I am, there were several occasions when my mouth refused to co-operate with my mind, inviting my foot directly into it. I was given several talks about what should not be done, during these activities, which I repeated within myself, for the next several minutes. That is when the doors suddenly open, with a loud bang. The scene that unfolded in front of me, was everything I expected but at the same time, everything I did not expect.

Arthit's POV:

As the day progressed, the knot in my stomach started getting tighter. The time to prove my worth as the head hazer, is fast approaching. I have to put up a hard facade, to deal with the 1st years - to impart the knowledge that our seniors had given us. Ironically, when we were at the receiving end, everything was too harsh, impractical and severe. But now that the tables have turned, every activity made sense, though deep down there are still a few that contradict my ideologies. Nevertheless, we have taken it up on us, to help and guide our juniors and I will, as always, do my best.

Standing at the, thankfully closed, hall doors, we (my friends - Knot, Prem, Bright and Tootah, and I) take one deep breath, to get ready for our new roles, hoping that this batch is easier to deal with.

All eyes were on us, as we entered the hall. The silence was deafening and the apprehension was visible - because both the seniors and juniors were nervous, though for different reasons. Putting our best foot and looks forward, we were successfully able to mask our emotions and stand tall, in front of our juniors. None of us smiled - our faces truly showed how serious we were, about what was about to happen.

We were given certain protocols, which had to be followed, no matter what. Every task was planned with a learning of some sort or the other. Though the methodology might not be the most practical one, the intension was as pure as snow. The first such task, was to order the juniors to collect 1000 signatures, within a week's time. As absurd as it may sound, the learning intended behind this task, was to prepare the juniors for the unforgiving, ever demanding course, which is famous for its unreasonable deadlines. The added advantage being the interaction between the seniors and juniors, which contributed to interoperability of the department, just like their lifeline - a GEAR!

As expected, there were shock mixed murmurs initially. But what was not expected, was a student who stood up, to voice his opinion. What was even more unexpected was, the person who stood up. Is he who I think he is?!?!?


A/N: Since this is my first attempt at writing, please do let me know your opinions and corrections, if any! :) Thank you for reading!

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