Chapter 10

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Kongpob's POV:

"What was that, P?" I asked, my voice reflecting the confusion I had.

"Hmm...the fact, I guess?" he said.

"Who's courting whom? And from when?", I asked.

"Hahaha.. Kong! Let me explain!" he said, moving towards the couch, where we spread out our dinner.

"Yes, please!" I said, starting to eat.

"The thing is, I have been thinking a lot for the past few days, about you and about us. No matter what I thought, or when, I always ended up with such bliss and pure happiness that I became more and more greedy, as the days went by. To realise this and accept it, took me some time. know say this out loud, took me way more time. But I really wanted to do this, for myself and for you, because you have been nothing but amazing. You were so patient and consciously considerate, that I just didn't have to worry about a thing. You helped me walk out of my comfort zone, with my head held high, without any trace of anxiousness. You are truly a gem, who I did not want to lose, at any cost." he paused to look at me directly.

He continued saying "I know you worry a lot about being perfect. But I sincerely feel you are already perfect. I think we fit together perfectly. I don't want both of us to have any thoughts about who's better or if we might find someone better than each other, because I have experienced true happiness with you; and I hope it's the same with you. You have helped me grow as a person, helped me find happiness even in small things. Everything is as perfect as it can be, with you by my side. I might not have been everything you wished for. I don't want to promise that I will try to be..rather, let's try to find a middle ground. I would love to change myself for the better - would love to be a better person and grow, but with you by my side.

I want to stand by your side, through thick and thin, support you in whatever you want to do, without second thoughts. I don't want you to doubt, even for a minute, if I am going to be by your side or not. Also - I am not going to promise you, that it's all going to be moonlight and roses. We might have differences in opinions. We are bound to. But instead of drifting apart saying this is how it is or this is who I am, I would want us to communicate. Talk to each other, no matter what, however angry we might be. Both of us are adults, and only communication can strengthen us. I know it is easier for you to express yourself and it is something I need to work more. But honestly, Kong, the awkwardness and shyness is not worth losing you. I would rather break my shell and the walls around me, than lose you. I like you, Kong..I really do. So...what do you think?" he asked - plain and simple, after talking his heart out.

"What do I say, P? No matter what I say, it will not justify the beautiful way you have put yourself out. I am so so so proud of you. I know how important this is for you and I also realise how much of courage it must have taken for you, to put everything into words. Yet, you did it..and how!! I can never get enough of how beautiful you are, inside and out. I will cherish you forever and promise to never take anything for granted. As you said, we will always make sure to communicate our thoughts. I want to grow with you as well, P!" I said, extending my arms, wanting to give him a warm hug.

He walked straight into my arms, without any hesitation. It felt complete. I felt complete. He relaxed into my embrace, making it more quintessential. It felt as if he melted into me. Both of us didn't want to break our hug. It was too good to be let go.

I snaked my arms around his waist, holding on to him, lightly but firmly. He looked up, into my eyes, willing to take in all the emotions floating around. I leaned in, holding my breath. I didn't know if it was too early for a kiss or not, but I really wanted to do it. I closed the gap between our faces, but not completely. I wanted him to take the most important step, just to make sure I am not pushing him into it.

Without breaking our eye contact, he leaned in, to seal the deal. We moved our mouths in unison, dancing to our own rhythm. Everything else blurred out. Nothing was more important than this union. He smiled, while kissing me, which made my heart sizzle. I was over the moon, when I understood that he was enjoying this as much as I was. Nothing else mattered.

We broke the kiss, gasping for air. Again, the silence between us was golden. It wasn't one bit awkward or suffocating. He still held his ground, looking at me - was shy, but not too shy, to not look at me.

Once we completed our dinner, we just sat there holding on to each other. It was peaceful for the rest of the night. When it was time to retire for the night, I offered to tuck him in, before leaving.

I helped him settle into his bed, pulled the sheets and waited until he was sound asleep. It was surreal watching my boyfriend sleep, with a beautiful boyfriend! I did a high squeal inside!

I just wish to capture this moment forever! Life can't be more perfect!


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