Chapter 8

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Arthit's POV:

As we were nearing our dorm, I found myself wanting to spend more time with Kong. I did not want to go back so soon. Before I could realise, my steps became shorter and slower. I was contemplating if I should turn around and ask him to come to my room, to watch a movie or if I should ask him to bring his books to start studying right away. I was lost in my thoughts, when I felt a soft but firm brush on my shoulder.

When I tried to turn around, I saw Kong too close to me, that my breath hitched. He took my breath away - literally and figuratively.

I did not know how to react and I froze completely. I noticed that this slight touch had some effect on him as well. I quickly stepped away from him and apologized - though I am not sure for what. But what he said next, made me stop in my tracks.

"I am sorry about that, P. But... truthfully, I would love to do that again - walk closely with you, hold your hand and protect you from anything and everything. I know, I promised to give you all the space and time you need. But I don't think I can hold it in anymore. I don't mean I want to do these with you right now, but someday, whenever you are comfortable, I would like to walk beside you, and not behind you." It was a cute little confession, that drove me to my edge; but it was so sincere and heartfelt, that I couldn't stop myself from melting.

As we continued to walk, I thought a lot - about what he said and about what I want. Will it be okay to want more? Will it be okay to express myself with all my heart? I know I don't feel awkward with Kong anymore, but I still do feel shy around him. How do I drop my inhibitions?

Since I realised that I wanted more as well, I decided to focus on how to go about this.

"Give me some more time, Kong. I know you have been waiting for a long time already. But I am almost there too. Please give me some time, to prepare myself, for whatever is coming next." I answered, in all honesty. There! I put it out! I sensed that there is no use in denying something so obvious. Both of us want more, and it doesn't feel right to keep him waiting, without showing my interest to him.

He literally jumped, and let out cute sounds, to express his joy. He was so happy, that his happiness rubbed off on everyone around us.

"Of course, P! Of course! I can wait for however long it takes. I am more than willing to." he responded.

I was truly happy, after a long time - to have expressed myself, the way I wanted to, and also to have met someone like Kong. Doesn't everyone in the world need a Kong for themselves? But hey! I am not giving away what's mine!

Once I accepted the fact that I wanted more of this happiness, I did not find it awkward to go bolder with my thoughts.

"How about a movie tonight? Would you like to join?" I asked, though I knew what the answer would be, already.

"Do you even need to ask? I would love to! I'll pick up dinner for both of us, on my way to your room." He offered. I just nodded and rushed back to my room.

I am not really a messy person...may be, I am..a little..but anyway, it was time to clean up my room, to make it more presentable. I had a ton of books, that I neatly arranged and tidied up my bed and study table. I cleaned the couch and my coffee table, and filled in water bottles, to have along with our dinner.

30 mins later, I heard a knock at my door. I was excited and jittery at the same time, but managed to calm down a bit, before opening the door. And when I did, my smile died, then and there.

Kongpob's POV:

"How about a movie tonight? Would you like to join?" how better can the day get? Like really!!

Arthit not only expressed himself without any restrictions, but also expressed his interest in me! He is interested in me, as much as I am interested in him! I really couldn't believe my ears, when he extended the movie invite. Who am I to say no to such a tempting offer?

I agreed right away and offered to buy him dinner. Not only because it was a courtesy, but also because I did not want to waste anymore time outside. I wanted to spend as much as time as possible, staying close to P.

I washed myself, changed to my casual clothes and rushed out to buy our dinner, along with our favourite drinks. As soon as I received the food, I ran towards P'Arthit's room. When I almost reached, I noticed a group of people waiting at his doorstep. Did he have plans with his friends? Am I to join the group? Or was it just us, whom he planned? He did not mention anything about his friends coming over, when I offered to buy dinner for him. What do I do now? Do I call him? Or wait until they leave?

Just as I picked up my mobile, to send a quick text to P'Arthit, I received a message. "Friends are here - unplanned visit. Wait for my text before you come up."

I was a bit sad, that my time with him was being eaten away by his friends and also because we cannot just casually meet, with others around us. We had decided to wait until we inform our friends, about our interest in one another, until we are clear with things.

Though I did not want to keep my friends in the dark, I did not want to force him to do anything that he's not comfortable with either. I am sure our friends would understand, but he said he needed more time

Trying to kill time, I was making a list of things I wanted to do with P'Arthit and the list of places I wanted to visit with him. I was so engrossed in the task at hand, that I did not know how long I was waiting at the stairs, day dreaming. I heard another notification hit my phone and saw that I had recieved a green signal from him, to enter his room.

I felt like a child walking to his first day of school. Excited and anxious, I knocked his door. "Come on in, Kong" he said, as soon as he opened the door. "Sorry! Were you waiting for a long time?" he asked apologetically.

"P, I am willing to wait my entire life time for you. 15 mins is no big deal" I said, winking, playfully.

"Ohhoooooo..." came a loud cheer, from behind P'Arthit. That is when I realised we weren't alone!


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