Chapter 13

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Arthit's POV (cont.):

When he confessed about wanting to be pampered, initially, I was taken aback. But the more I thought about it, the more it broke my heart. No wonder he has always been diligent. Even now, when all I wanted to do was laze around, on a Saturday night, the first thing he did as soon as he came to my room, was to clean the mess. He must have lived an extreme military-like life, to be doing this on his own. Poor guy, wouldn't have had much fun, while growing up.

All these thoughts, came to me, while I was in his embrace. So I just decided to continue holding him, for as long as he wants to.

We were drawing warm circles in each others' back, when he spoke up.

"You must be wondering what kind of childhood I must have had, to love pampering so much. It was mostly normal, albeit, a lot stricter. I was taught to think about what's best for the situation in hand, rather than what I want. I was always asked to put others' needs before mine and be responsible enough to take care of everyone around me, right from my middle school. Though I had 2 sisters, they were pampered way more than I was, and so, I had to accommodate them as well, in everything I did.

I did not find this difficult or suffocating, for that is what I thought was normal; until I reached highschool and saw all the other kids talking about TV series, athletes, actors and other celebrities I had no idea about. It might not seem much, but for me, it felt as if I lived under the rocks. When I came back home and asked my sisters, they would give me tons of information about them - and that is when I realised the parity.

But even then, there was nothing much I could do, except secretly read and memorize such things, to show the other kids I had a normal life. But after a while, I was exhausted. I just didn't want to do it anymore and that is when Em, who kind of knew about the whole deal, confronted me, and also made me understand, that living a diligent life also, was a blessing in disguise. That is why, he has been my best friend ever since highschool. He could see me for who I am, and not for the kind of life I lived.

After him, it was you, who taught me to accept who I am, completely, by doing that for yourself. When you accepted your flaws and overcame them, I felt like I should accept my past self as well, completely. That is why I felt like sharing this with you today." he spoke, holding his tiny tears back.

"Honestly, your past was what shaped you up into such a fine gentleman, Kong. It is a part of you, even if you don't like it. It has contributed to who you are, now. I am really happy that you were comfortable enough to share your past with me. I am honoured too. But I like you for every bit of who you are, and I am never going to judge you, for anything. You deserve the best, for being the bestest." after a small pause, I added "but unfortunately, you are stuck with me, for the rest of your life" to defuse the tension in the air.

He chuckled and relaxed visibly. "Fortunately!" he corrected me.

"Do you want to spend the night here??..... But no dirty thoughts!" I asked him, unsure of what he felt.

"I might be extra clingy tonight, because I am a mess right now" he spoke, giving me a fare warning.

"I think I can handle that " I responded, without looking at him.

I did not want to leave him alone tonight, for his wounds have been opened again. Though he has overcome them now, a little cuddle can help him understand just how special his whole existence is.

Kongpob's POV:

This was the first time I actually spoke about my past with someone. Though it is not exactly dark or cruel, I had my own insecurities. Sharing it with my P' , lightened the knot in my chest. I felt liberated. And to be accepted as a whole package, even after knowing my short comings, made me appreciate him and our bond even more.

It felt as if my life transcended into a fairy tale. He was there, like a solid rock, anchoring my fast paced life, to stop and admire the beauty around.

Just like that, the weekend went by, and on Monday morning, I met Em, an hour before classes start, with the pretext to have breakfast, but actually I wanted to talk to him about P'Arthit and I. When I started the topic by dropping hints, he just got straight to the point and asked me "You love P'Arthit, don't you?".

I didn't even get to tell him how we met or what actually happened. All he needed to know that there was someone I like, and he hit the Bulls eye. "Now that a confession session is going on, I would like to confess something as well." He looked at me with an expectation.

"You like May, don't you?" I asked, with a I-knew-it grin. And he nodded. This is how it has always been, with Em. We knew what the other person was about to say, even before discussing about it. The rest of the breakfast was quite and peaceful.

As the days rolled by, P'Arthit and I, got to spend a lot more time together. I slowly told my other friends as well, about us and none of them seemed surprised. As months passed by, we became more and more comfortable with a bit of intimacy here and there. Both of us weren't a fan of PDAs, since our privacy was of utmost importance to us. We were happy with how things were, and that's all mattered.

On a sunny day, after college, P'Arthit and I were walking back to our dorm, discussing about the upcoming exams and such, when we heard a girl shout P's name. When both of us turned around, a petite figure came running towards us and before we could make any eye contact, a bone crushing hug was forced on my P'.

I was surprised at what happened, but was shocked to see P' smiling. Who is this new addition all of a sudden?, I wondered, not knowing how to react to any of it.


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