Chapter 11

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Arthit's POV:

Since it was a Saturday today, I did not have to set an alarm for the day. Sleeping in has always been something that has given me immense happiness. But today, that is not the only reason I am so happy.

From the moment I opened my eyes, I haven't been able to stop grinning from ear to ear. Last night was the best few hours of my life. It was beyond spectacular and probably a preview of how my life is going to be, with my Kong by my Kong!!!

I blushed at that thought and sat up straight, stretched myself and opened my room curtains, ready to start with today's business. Having a quick look through my phone, I noticed several texts from my friends, which I did not want to open, at the moment - for I know, what the contents would be.

Right when I was about to put my phone down, I got a text from Kong that said - "Good morning, P! I noticed that you just got up. Can I get you your breakfast today? 😁"

I just typed in a quick response "Mrng, Kong! That would be great, thanks! I'll quickly freshen up and let you know". We did not get to watch the movie we decided last night. So may be, we could do that today. I completed my morning rituals sooner than usual and texted him.

Kong was at my doorstep within the next 5 mins. "Were you waiting at the dorm entrance?" I asked him, curious about how he could get here that soon.

"Actually, I was waiting in front of your room" he said, with a playful smile.

"When did you reach here? Why dint you tell me as soon as you reached?" I asked, quite confused.

"I wanted you to be ready, to let me in, P. I didn't know if you were." he shrugged and answered.

That is when I realised, nothing had actually changed between us. Though our titles had changed, he was ever so careful and considerate even now. He did not force me or himself and stood there, giving me my time and space. I felt like I should be taking things from here.

I reached out to my study table, opened the first draw, took out the spare key to my room and gave it to him. "Here! You don't have to wait for me, anymore. You are more than welcome to barge in", I said with a wink. He caught his heart, dramatically, at my wink.

I realised it was not just me, who was used to our old methods, but Kong too, was used to waiting and hesitating before doing something. Did I just curb his impulsive side completely? I wondered, with a pang of guilt.

"I want you to be sure, that you are never not welcome here, Kong. Even if you suddenly walk in, without informing me before hand, I am not going to find it odd. I would rather love it, if you do that!" I said.

"Are you sure,P? That is a rather tempting invite!" he said, focusing completely on me.

"Stop whatever you are thinking!" I tried to say sternly, but ended up with a blush - my point absolutely not conveyed.

"Is the invite only for the room or...." he did not complete his sentence. He didn't have to!

I threw a pillow, without looking at him. I couldn't, without turning into a tomato. I could hear him laugh to his hearts content.

"This is so much fun! Let's eat, boyfriend!" he continued.

Oh my god! He is never going to back down from teasing, I thought, shaking my head. It's not that I didn't like it. But my heart can handle only to an extent, right? I didn't know what the limit was but I knew for sure, that neither Kong nor my friends are going to let me live in peace.

"P, is it okay if I tell Em about us? Will you mind?" he asked, bringing me back to the present.

"Of course you can. You don't have to ask me about it!" I responded, completing the remaining in my mind - I told my friends about us, without talking to him about it. May be I should have asked him first. I made a note to discuss everything with him, before deciding on my own. I face palmed myself mentally - all that talk about communicating, and this is what I did!

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