Chapter 5

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Arthit's POV:

When Kongpob started walking towards me, I really wanted to run away and hide. I was not ready for any kind of conversation, yet. It was a bit overwhelming for me, to take everything in. But before I could process it all and respond, he was already standing in front of me. "Hi P!" with a beautiful smile, was all it took, for my resolve to crumble.

Knot was the first one, as always, to notice all that was happening. He held off his next step, to make sure I was all good. I looked at him and gave him a quick nod, implying that I was okay, and that he should carry on. Being the most sensible one among my friends, he took my hint immediately and walked away further, dragging the others with him.

I started walking swiftly, in the opposite direction of my friends, making sure they weren't watching us. Kongpob followed my heels closely. He tried to start another conversation, but I was determined to get to a secluded spot before even looking at him once again. He followed me patiently, until we reached a blind spot. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him, and myself, for whatever was happening around me and within me.

"Do you remember me, P?" he asked, with a know-it-all smile, that gave away a hint that it wasn't really a question.

"Yes, I do. How are you?" I asked him, rather nervously, trying to get a hold of my thoughts.

"I am good, P. I am so happy that you remember me. I never expected you to." he said, a little too cheerfully, than I expected.

"Ah, yeah!" I answered, scratching my nape, resigning to my introvert self. I could feel that my head hazer battery was running low and my shy self was creeping back.

" Engineering it is? I dint think you would choose Engineering". I lied through my teeth. I hoped, may be even prayed? that he would choose Engineering the day I met him.

"Yes, thanks to you!" he said, with a wink!!

I swear my heart stopped beating for a minute. What was that?!? I couldn't breathe and could feel my legs giving away. I tried to steady myself, when a wave of relief washed over me, as I realised that he's no more a high schooler and I will no longer be a pseudo.

"Why thank me? It was your decision, after all" my conversational skills were better than what I expected. There was a free flow, between us. Talking to him was not as nerve wrecking as it usually was, when I had to converse with people. I had felt the same warmth, the first day I had met him as well.

His warm smile comforted me, helping me calm my anxious nerves.

"But you played a big part" he confessed.

"Did I? I was careful not to influence you, though" I answered.

"I'll save the explanation for another day, P. What about you? How come you remember me? Our first meeting was a rather short one." He went straight to the point.

I was looking everywhere, except his eyes. I wasn't ready for that question and it was so evident that he gave a light chuckle.

"When I had first met you, I was in my 1st year, and so I could relate to the struggle you were going through, then. And you happen to be the first junior, I shared my opinion with, regarding Engineering, studies and such. So, that is why I remember you". Though it was not the entire truth, I did not lie either. At this point, this amount of information shared, was more than sufficient.

"I I wasn't really special then? I thought I was", he said with a small pout.

Unlike me, Kongpob was a free spirit. No hesitation whatsoever. He spoke his mind, with way more confidence, than I have ever had. Though it put me on my edge, I did not dislike it.

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