Chapter 7

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Kongpob's POV:

Everything has been going really well - college, studies, hazing and of course with my P'Arthit as well. I couldn't be happier. The decision to stay by his side, silently, was one of the best decisions of my life - with choosing Engineering, obviously, being THE best!

P and I were meeting more frequently - mostly by chance, but sometimes I planned them discreetly. And no matter what, we never missed having dinner together. There were days when Em or Wad called me out for dinner. I tried my best to either avoid it or went by for an early dinner, to come back to P'Arthit on time.

There were days I was late to our dinner. But when I noticed that he started waiting for me, to join him, I was beyond thrilled. I could see so many positive changes in him, and to think that I might be a tiny reason behind those changes, my happiness knew no bounds.

Slowly, our complete silence invited scattered words, which grew on to become a few sentences. But everytime I saw him, smiling or laughing at my words, I just couldn't stop my heart from beating too fast. It was all perfect. He, was perfect! There is no way that I would grow out of this habit, of making him laugh; to satisfy my child-like inner self.

Watching him laugh without restrictions, made my heart jump with joy. I wanted to ask him out, or at least his number, again - but I held myself back, not willing to ruin the beautiful connection we have.

Then, on a beautiful Friday evening, when we were walking back home, from college, before our dinner, I gathered all my courage and asked him, if he could help me with my studies. I did not want him to flip out and go back to his shell, by asking him what I actually wanted. So, I settled with asking him his time, over the weekend.

When I asked him, he gave me a shy smile, and agreed to tutor me. When I was ready to do a happy dance, I noticed a small expectation on his face. Confused, I tried to think of all possible reasons and thought of a possibility, which might be the rarest of all. Is he ready to give me his number? I would be overjoyed if that was true..but if it isn't....I didn't want to think about that outcome.

Torn between asking him and waiting for him, I decided to ask him, after noticing that he hadn't moved an inch, after I asked him to tutor me.

"Are you willing to give me your number now?" I asked, holding my breath.

"Yes.. I have been waiting for you to ask!". This simple response, is the sole reason my heart is going crazy now.

"Oh! I would have asked sooner, if I knew it earlier", I responded, with a pout, genuinely sad, to have missed the opportunity. But, better late than never!!

I quickly pulled out my phone, and gave it to him. He typed in his number, but dint save the contact, as if trying to imply, that I can fill in the blanks! I did not let this go unnoticed, and grabbed this chance of asking him about it.

"What should I save your number as, P? I don't want to save it as just your name!" I asked, bringing about all innocence, in my eyes, as possible.

I knew it was a big deviation from my resolve of not pushing him. But his reactions are making me reconsider them. We have come a long way now, and I am ever so ready, to take it further.

"Why ask me? It's your phone!" he said.

"But what do you want me to save it as, is my question!" I asked him, earnestly.

He turned around, and looked into my eyes - something he doesn't do that often - and just said "I am not gonna tell you!" with a blush. He was as red as a tomato; with a cheeky grin, and a flustered look. I really couldn't believe what was happening. After 2 months 17 days, of our daily dinners, we were finally moving another step - towards what, I couldn't dare dream.

"So, I can save your number however I want, right, P?" I asked, another time, hopeful for some solid answer.

He just turned away and nodded. But I could imagine the look on his face. All that I hoped for and prayed for, is actually happening today! What more could I ask?!?

"Are you going to stand there forever?" he asked, pulling me out of my trance.

"Yes, but only if you are going to stand right by my side" - was the best response I could muster, at that moment.

I never knew I had a flirty side, that just sprung into action, as soon as I saw his blush. Okay, I am getting to know more about myself now! I just hope, he reciprocates at least a part of what I feel, I wished, in my mind. But to my dismay, his actions and reactions were confirming a lot more than 'a part'.

"Ai'Kong!!" He called out!

Wait - what!?? Did he just call me Kong?!? That's certainly something I did not expect. Not many have called me Kong before. And it just felt so right, when he did. I couldn't contain my excitement.

"P! You called me Kong!" I claimed, loudly.

"Why? You don't like it?" He asked....he asked... didn't deny, didn't take it back..but asked if I like it or not. Argh! What's with all this progress in one day!!

"I am all in, for any kind of nick name, P!" I answered truthfully.

"Let's just go", he said, pulling my bag, lightly.

He was extremely shy and sensitive, but did not say no to my flirting attempt. Though I found this encouraging, I will make sure I don't go overboard, in all the excitement.

We started walking towards our dorm, smiling and blushing and in our own world. I realised both of us weren't watching our steps, when our shoulders brushed against one another, slightly. The touch sent a whole new sensation up my spine, and I saw that P'Arthit froze too.


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