Chapter 19

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Arthit's POV:

I know today is one of the most important days of my life and I am prohibited from being late. I also know that I have to wake up early, because of which we went to bed earlier than usual, last night. But still...when the time to wake up came, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. It felt as if the entire world turned it's back against me, punishing me for some deed, I wasn't even sure what. But since I had the best guy with me, he did his job as best as possible.

Over this year and a half of spending our days together, there are several cute habits that we have picked up - like a peculiar cuddling position, while sleeping, Kong cooking the meals and me feeding him, doing the laundry together, me ironing our clothes, doing the dishes together, sticking love notes in random places, evening walks along the river, greeting each other with a hug and the my favourite of all, is the way he wakes me up.

Kong did not wake me up with his alarm; didn't call out, for me to wake up on my own, but cuddled me, to wake me up. It was always the best feeling, to open my eyes, to see his handsome face, first thing in the morning, showering me with kisses and whispering sweet nothings to me. What more could I ask for? Every morning when he did that, I felt so grateful to have him by my side.

He did just that, today, with an extra booster, to up my confidence level. I always and I mean always, wake up with the best mood, when he wakes me up and today was no different. I slowly opened my eyes, wished him good morning, with a forehead kiss, and climbed out of the bed, to refresh myself. While I took a shower and got ready, Kong had already set the table, for our breakfast.

As usual, we ate, did the dishes and left to our respective destinations, after a kiss. Kong had to leave early too, because he was the head hazer this year, and had a lot of additional responsibilities. It was ironic that the guy who spoke up during his SOTUS activities, the first day, is the head hazer now. But Kong being Kong, tweaked a few activities that were being followed, to make it more practical and less exhausting.

He has always been the darling of the masses, which helped him in getting all the permissions required, to change these practices, we have followed for years. But since I understood his intentions, I stood by his side, silently.

As I stepped into the company (I was 20 mins early, BTW), I mentally prepared myself, for the big day ahead. I, along with the other interns, were ushered into a meeting room, where the HR and the other HODs greeted us. Everyone were very polite and welcoming. It felt like a great place to work in.

When the HR was giving us a brief about the company, I slightly stiffened up, at the mention of the CEOs name. I did not want to react or focus too much on who the CEO is, instead, tried to focus on what has to be done next. Each of us were assigned to different departments, and I was assigned to the production department.

I went to the assigned department, met all my seniors I'll be working with, gave them my introduction and awaited the tasks for the day. I was given proper guidance on how things work and was asked to assist one of the team leads working there - P'Earth.

She too, was a very sweet person, who initially asked me to assist her with small tasks such as making copies or printing/faxing documents, with a little intro about what the document is and why we worked on it. Since I was a quick learner, I got a hang of the job pretty easily and started working on more important tasks such as contacting the suppliers for the raw materials, and coordinating the process, until we received the materials, in the first few weeks itself.

I also developed my social skills, with Kong's help, over the years, which really helped me maintain a cordial relationship with the suppliers. For the first few weeks, I was asked to coordinate with 2 suppliers, but looking at the progress I made, I was asked to deal with a few more suppliers and dealers, who bought our products, in the following weeks. Handling both the raw materials and supplying the finished goods, helped me learn a lot about the entire process.

I was to intern for 6 months, at the end of which we might get an offer to join the company, based on our performance. The 6 months went by in a jiffy and I was sure I left a very good impression, on all the personnel working in the production department. It was already the day of farewell, where we were informed that all the big shots of the company would be present.

During these 6 months, my entire focus was on my job, that I had temporarily forgotten about the CEO. But because I performed well, I had a lot more confidence in myself, than before and was slightly ready to face Kong's dad. At the end of the farewell, we were supposed to receive our certificates, which I thought will be handed over, by our HOD.

But to my surprise, it was actually given to us, by the CEO himself. His aura was very similar to Kong's, only a lot stronger. He was definitely a great leader, without any difficult air around him. While he handed over my certificate to me, he asked me "You are Arthit, right? I have heard a lot about you and we are so fortunate that you interned with us. Would you like to join the company as a permanent staff?". I froze for a moment, trying to comprehend what he said.

But before it was too late, I responded saying "I would love to, sir" with a pleasant smile. He shook my hand and said, that his team will contact me. I wai-ed him, out of genuine respect and started going down the stage. Things were a lot better than what I imagined it to be.

I was in such a hurry to get back home and share what happened with Kong, that I dashed out of the company, as soon as the party got over. And when I reached home, I fell in love with Kong all over again, this time a lot more deeper.


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