Chapter 2

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Flashback - Kongpob's POV: 2 years ago -

I am more than exhausted, trying to decide between Engineering and Economics. I know that my family expects me to go for Engineering, to help the business in the future. But my interest lies in Economics. I am completely torn between choosing family and my interest. It is not that I am not interested in Engineering, but Economics easily passes as my favourite, any day.

I have been trying to have a heart to heart conversation with my family, about this, for the past 6 months. The fact that they assumed I would be taking over the family business, solely because I am the only male child in the family, has never sat well with me. What if one or both my sisters were actually interested in taking over the business? And there is no denying the possibility, that they might actually be better entrepreneurs than me. It's too misogynistic to assume that they wouldn't be able to do better.

I hate the society that thinks this way - whatever happened to individuality! What bothers me more is, my otherwise open-minded and modern family, actually gave in to such societal pressure! They could have easily rewritten rules in the male dominated business world, if they wanted to. But the issue is not only my parents, but also my sisters. Though they were given good opportunities, they missed or even refused to grab them - only because their thinking too, has been attuned to believing that men are better, when it comes to business.

Though I have immense respect about our values and traditions, I sometimes feel, that we have customised our tradition, to suite our needs. Several generations must have contributed towards such a downward movement, that we are still unwilling to break the cycle. I always struggle to understand why people aren't perceived as individuals - but are forced to fit into a 1000 categories. Gender, age, social status, every single factor affects the exposure a person could receive.

Ah! This is probably why I feel I am better in Economics, than Engineering. An issue that starts at home, my overthinking self, drags the issue to the nation or even the world - though these are the issues which need to be addressed.

My thoughts went astray, while on my way to the Bangkok University - where I need to decide if it's going to be Engineering or Economics. I did not even realise that I had reached the college, until my bus stopped. I quickly hopped out of the bus and readied myself to take a look at the campus and both the department buildings, to help me decide my fate.

The first thing that happened as soon as I stepped into the college, was my stomach growling! I lost track of time, trying to think about things, without realising that I haven't had my lunch yet. With a few steps around, I was able to locate the canteen and decided to take a quick bite first and pull myself together.

But as soon as I stepped into the canteen, all I was able to see, was a person - too beautiful to be true! So much so, that I wanted to confirm if he was actually a human or an angel. The instant attraction wasn't only his looks but also the way he carried himself and the way he treated the people who worked there. Manners makes or breaks a person - something I have stood by for years, is what helped me realise how every simple gesture of his, spoke volumes about him.

Trying to get a better glimpse of him, I kept moving forward, until I was directly beside him. After giving my orders, I tried to look at him, as discreetly as possible. He took a seat at the nearest table. I was doubled with joy when I realised that, his table was the only one, that had a free seat. Do I believe in destiny? Is it really my hardworking stars?!? With a thousand thoughts running through my mind, I slowly approached him.

"Hi P! Is this seat taken?" was all I could say and I haven't felt more proud of myself, for not slipping up in front of him.

He looked up immediately and gave me a smile - a smile that lit up his eyes first and then spread all over his face! Oh did I mention that dimple!?!?! How can he be so cute!?

"No, you can sit, if you want to" he said.

How do I continue the conversation? Would it be rude to just continue talking? Was he busy? Would he think of me as a creep if I keep smiling like this? Do I look okay? And a zillion other questions ran through my mind, messing me up further, if that's even possible. All while looking at him, to my hearts content, I did not once realise that I might actually be staring at him, and not just looking. As if the universe understood my thoughts, the person working there, came up to our table, carrying what I ordered. "Thank you, P!" I responded - commonly, to the person who let me sit and to the person who brought my food

Framing and reframing sentences in my mind, I was fiddling with my food, not willing to let go of the person sitting in front of me. But before I could say something, I heard him asking me "Are you applying for Engineering, here?". I looked up and smiled, trying my best to not look like a creep and nodded.

"Ah! I guessed it. I hope you have thought things through" he said, the smile never leaving.

"Actually, P, I am torn between choosing Engineering and Economics. I am not sure what to do". Did I really impose my problem on a person I just met? Has my brain battery drained already? Why would I tell him this, without even knowing his name! I am probably out of my mind due to the hunger, I thought.

He chuckled!! Can he get any cuter? Will my heart be able to withstand all the emotions being thrown at it? How am I even holding up, is beyond my own understanding.

"I understand. Everyone goes through something similar. Try not to fret too much and go for the field you would love to work, in the future. That way you will have no regrets. Though I would love to have you join Engineering. Looking at your organized self, I think you would do great in whatever you choose" AND HE WINKED!!! Did I just ask if he can get any cuter? Scratch that! That smile was definitely a tip of the iceberg. The wink literally made my heart break into a dance, with occasional summersault.

He stood up, collected his things, paid for his food and left the canteen after signalling a bye to me. Oh! What did he say? Did he talk about Engineering or Economics or this college or food? Unable to collect my thoughts, I decided to eat first, to be able to think straight. When I was almost done with my food, I started recollecting our conversation. He said something about my passion and not having regrets.. which means, I should be choosing Economics, right?


I had started planning about my Engineering life and beyond, before I realised, with a smile plastered to my face. Only when I was on my way home, did I start rethinking and reconsidering my thoughts. Not that I regret them - but may be...just may be, I was a little impulsive, to choose Engineering over Economics. I shook my head, trying to convince myself, about Engineering. My family, the business, my interest every thought was argued and counter argued, all in my mind, before reaching my house. But, when I rang the doorbell, I knew I had already decided.

The moment my mom opened the door, I realised that my smile did not go unnoticed. Before she could ask about it, " I am going to take up Engineering!!" I declared, louder than required, which successfully diverted her thoughts. She was overjoyed about my decision, and along with the preparations to get into Engineering, I also started counting the days left, to potentially meeting my angel.


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