Chapter 12

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Arthit's POV:

I know all of this is a little too sudden, but I really don't want to spend any time apart, from Kong at this moment. What's with these stupid projects?! If I don't get to utilise these skills in my future, I am going to hate Engineering with all my guts!

As soon Kong left, the room felt so empty. It felt cold, as if the warmth had been turned off. I was waiting for my friends, while arranging my books and notes required for the project. I did give a hint to Kong, to just come in as soon as he is done with his work...but did he get the hint, though? I wondered..if I should have just told him that, loud and clear.

After a while, my friends walked in..each one, ready to tease me. They bombarded me with questions about last night and if I met him today and what we did the entire time in my room. These guys can never get their minds out of the gutter, can they?

Clearing my throat, I answered only a few questions, which I felt like answering, and shut them up with - "I am not going to give you any more information. You better complete the project soon and scram off from here!". They understood that I was grumpy to have separated from Kong and did not risk pushing my buttons!

"The infamous grumpy Arthit is back!" Tootah claimed.

"Looks like Kongpob has the key to your smile and happiness" Prem chirped in.

"Do you have any sessions planned all night long?" Bright said, which earned a glare from me and then he quickly added "Oh I meant study sessions!", which made everyone laugh out loud.

Knot initially did not utter a word, and was silently observing everything. When I looked at him and smiled, he just said "I am so happy that you have found your right guy and I hope you both stay the same".

Everyone went quite, for a few seconds, giving what Knot said, the deserved weightage.

But Bright had to just spoil the entire thing by saying "Yes, but make sure you can always walk properly, after all your sessions!" and then, the usual riot started.

Though I am having the time of my life, with my Kong, I did miss these goofy moments with my friends. Kong probably realised this and gave me some time, to enjoy all this. The cutie that he is!

It took us a while to settle down and start studying. Once we started, we always found the flow, to get things done quickly. When we were almost done, I heard a knock at the door. I literally jumped up and ran towards the door, expecting it to be Kong - and there he was, carrying a bag of snacks, for my friends and I.

"I hope I am not interrupting you all, P'!" he said wai-ing the others in the room.

Bright just HAD to respond with, "All good, Kongpob, you can continue your sessions as soon as we leave!" with a smirk.

"Shut it, Bright!" Knot and I said, in unison.

They all started devouring the snacks Kong had got, and left Kong and I to talk in peace, for a few moments.

"Are you done with your project, P'? he asked.

"Yes, but I missed you!" I responded, loud enough for only Kong to hear it. Just as I was about to reach out to him, I heard Prem clear his throat, with a "At least wait for us to leave, you stinky love birds!"

Kong just laughed it out, while all I wanted to do was, push these human beings occupying the space unnecessarily, out of my room. Right when I was about to retaliate, Kong subtly held my hand, as if stopping me from talking any further.

"Thank you, for the snacks Kongpob. We better leave now" Tootah said, and all of us couldn't agree more, especially me.

"Yes, you better!" I just mumbled, for which the others laughed.

As soon as they were out of my room, I just flopped on the couch, while Kong cleaned the room. Can we get more domestic than this, I thought, looking at him, to my hearts content.

"You must be tired from all the studies, P'!" Kong asked, without turning around.

Just as I opened my mouth to respond, he turned around and said "Yet, you are oogling at me like that!" and let out a hearty laugh.

All flustered, I couldn't even look at him.

"Kongpob!!!!!" I screeched.

"It's been a while since you called me by my full name!" he responded.

Okay, this is going in the wrong direction. I have to stop it before it gets worse. "Stop it before you get kicked out!" I warned him.

"Oh! And here I was expecting you to let me spend the night with you, because you missed me!" he pouted, with puppy eyes.

Oh God! What have I gotten myself into! I couldn't go all bold, but couldn't hide under my shell either. Why, just why, did I tell him that I missed him?!? I was having an internal ranting session, when he came and sat next to me, after cleaning the entire room. As he did, the only thing I could think about was the warmth that radiated from him. Wow! I didn't realise I missed it this much, until I embraced him.

Oh wait - I was actually angry with him! I totally forgot about it. "Let me go buy us some dinner" I said, attempting to stand up. He caught me by my sleeve and directed my gaze towards the stove, where he had already put the food out, for reheating. It was such a thoughtful gesture, that I couldn't stay mad at him, not anymore.

"Let me buy something too. You have already done a lot today - breakfast, snacks and now dinner. It's not fair that only you get to do all the spoiling." I said, expressing my wish to pamper him as well.

His expression changed. He was so moved by what I said, that I was actually taken aback. I was always spoilt rotten, by my family and friends; so I didn't imagine such a simple sentence could have such an effect on him. "Kongyy..are you okay?" I asked, when I noticed tears starting to well up, in the corner of his eyes.

"You are the first person who has wanted to pamper me, P'. Though no one mistreated me, no one has ever pampered me either. Everyone always wanted me to grow up sooner, and be more responsible, to take care of people around me. There were days I wanted to be babied too, but I just couldn't ask anyone. I am so glad you feel this way. Thank you so much, for saying it out loud, P'. I really love you so much!" he confessed, with all honesty and gave me a tight hug.

Just then I realised, how a lot of things are taken for granted and how appreciative we should be. I made a note to pay more attention to such things, for Kong's sake. He deserves all the love in the world - and I am going to give every bit of it, to him!


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