Chapter 9

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Arthit's POV:

Having to explain my excitement before I saw them and the reason my smile fell when I saw them, was the most difficult thing I have handled ever. How do I explain myself without giving away much?

Trying my best to come up with a decent explanation, which I failed miserably, I felt all eyes on me, asking me to better spill out the truth.

"You better not deny anything. It is too late for that", Tootah said.

"Are you hiding someone here? Did we interrupt your make out session?" Bright asked, without a filter as always.

"I wouldn't have opened the door at all, if that was the case" I answered without thinking about the repercussions.

"Wh-what? Who are we talking about? Why dint we know about anything? How long has this been going on?" Bright interrogated.

"Is this why you have been absconding all these days? Tootah chipped in.

"You better not leave any detail out and come clean" Prem joined the wagon.

"Relax guys! He'll tell us everything when he's ready. Don't push him!" Knot, as always, had my back.

I did plan on talking about Kong, to my friends, but not today, and certainly not like this. But, will it be okay if I tell them everything today? Will they understand me? I know for sure, that my friends aren't the judging type. We have always extended our support to one another, no matter what. But all this coming from me, might seem a bit too much, since I have never been the type to talk/discuss things with them, in detail.

But the exciting and encouraging looks from them, made me come clean. I started talking about how I met Kong 2 years back, our conversation then..about what I felt when I met him first..and then about how I got to meet him again, during our things changed from then. I left out a few details here and there, but pretty much told them everything that needed to be conveyed.

"Ohh so it's the guy who came up to talk to you, on our first day as hazers isn't it? I knew something was definitely up. I still remember the expression you had, on your face that moment." Knot continued, which did not help me at all.

"Huh?? So you knew all along and still decided to hide this from us?" Bright questioned Knot.

"I didn't know any details. I just met him briefly for a few seconds that day...." Knot was about to say something more, but was cut off by Prem"-and it should have been Arthit, who should have given us the details, and not me! This is what you were about to say, isn't it?"

I just laid back and let all the drama unfold. They were asking questions and answering them, themselves. When they finally realised that the conversation was going nowhere, they turned back to me, asking me to give them further details.

"So...are you in love with him?" Knot asked.

I honestly didn't know yet. I liked him, that's for sure.. but love is a huge word, to be used right now. I just gave them a smile and said "I would like to know that myself as well". With that, they understood a lot more than what I conveyed.

"Where is he now? Were you waiting for him?" Prem asked, bringing back all our attention to the present.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot. I invited him for a movie night. He is waiting somewhere." I answered.

"Call him in, without telling him anything. We would like to meet him and see how serious he is, with you." Bright suggested and everyone agreed.

For all the right reasons, I wanted to defend my Kong. Testing him seemed so unfair! He has been waiting for over 3 months, with all the patience in the world, without once trying to force me or show the slightest frown.

I just looked at them with a super serious expression and said "Don't you dare test him or trouble him. He has been the most patient person I have ever met and has been waiting for me forever. It is only now, after gathering all my courage, I am trying to court him. Don't just drive him away, with your idiotic rants." And with that, I was immensely proud of how the whole situation was handled.

Their reaction to the news of me trying to court Kong, was way better than what I anticipated. My friends are the best after all, I was genuinely happy and so ready for whatever was coming next.

Kongpob's POV:

I felt like a child walking to his first day of school. Excited and anxious, I knocked his door. "Come on in, Kong" he said, as soon as he opened the door. "Sorry! Were you waiting for a long time?" he asked apologetically.

"P, I am willing to wait my entire life time for you. 15 mins is no big deal" I said, winking, playfully.

"Ohhoooooo..." came a loud cheer, from behind P'Arthit. That is when I realised we weren't alone!

It took me a few minutes to comprehend all that was happening. P'Arthit crawling out of his shell, calling me to watch a movie with him, his friends in his room and the brief wait, I had to go through, before going in to his room. Just when I was about to let my flirty horses run wild, life literally said hold your rein!

Did he call me to his room, when his friends were around? Do they know about us? What our relationship is, is something even we haven't figured out yet - so what did P'Arthit tell them? Will they support us? Time to call in my overactive brain!!

I just stood there blinking several times, unsure of how to act or what to say. What he did next, made me feel like a Disney prince!


I am sure my heart just gave up working, for a second. My eyes couldn't get wider, when he said "Guys, this is Kongpob - someone I am trying to court now."

I just couldn't move - couldn't breath - couldn't think. Basically, my entire being just froze, focusing only on our hands intertwined together.

But what?? He's trying to court me?? Since when?? Why do I feel like I have been thrown into a movie plot, without a warning!?!

Knowing P'Arthit, I thought he would want to have this talk, alone, in an intimate way, and couldn't in my wildest dream, think about him talking about us, in front of his friends. What should I understand from all of this?

I just wai-ed them with confusion still apparent on my face. His friends responded with a sweet smile, spoke something that made P'Arthit blush, with flushed cheeks. I wasn't paying attention, because of the wild thoughts in my mind. They all left within a few moments, and I turned around to look at Arthit, with raised eyebrows and said "I think there is something we need to talk about". He just responded, with a beautiful smile, the best of his, I have seen so far, and I am already loving it!


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