Chapter 3

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Flashback - Arthit's POV: 2 years ago -

It is one of those beautiful mornings, where I could sleep in for a long time, since I did not have morning classes today.

The past six months have been nothing short of a rollercoaster. Joining college, dorm life, new environment was a lot to handle - especially meeting new people - something I have always dreaded in life. But luckily, I met the best set of people, who understood my anxiety, without me having to voice it out. Apart from the social anxiety, hazing activities made things worse, but again, thanks to my friends, we were able to pull through. Last week marked the end of hazing and now, we have more spare time, to concentrate on our studies.

As always, I reached the campus 30 mins before my class, and decided to grab a quick lunch. Sitting in the canteen, I ordered my lunch, and decided to organize my notes for the classes today. While looking through my notes, I had a strange feeling - as if, I was being watched. When I tried to sneak a peek, I noticed a school student, ordering his lunch. What is a highschooler doing here!? I knitted my eyebrows but decided to mind my own business, when suddenly I heard a person talk....

"Hi, P! Is this seat taken?"

I looked up only to find the highschooler, asking me. Since he was standing a little closer than required, I could study his beautiful features. Wow! I must be insane to find a highschooler attractive! I frowned, trying to ignore the sensations within me, since I noticed him. I quickly pulled myself together and answered him. I noticed that the canteen was nearly full, which made sense as to why he approached me.

He gave me a warm smile, as soon as I answered. I noticed that his body language was extremely schooled and rigid. Not that I am justifying my judging mind - but by the looks of it, he must be more matured for his age. He knew how to carry himself, in a classy and cool way, though he's just a school student. He had a bunch of documents with him, neatly arranged and placed in a file.

Is he here for admission? But this isn't the appropriate time for new admission into the college, and again, he's wearing a school uniform! My overthinking brain got activated and a lot of scenarios played in my mind, before I could realise it was actually none of my business.

That is when I noticed the first document in the file. It had his picture and a few other details. Though I couldn't see his name, I noticed his DOB. Oh he's 2 years younger than me. Which might mean, he's here to check out the college and the course he prefers. This has been a common practice among school students, which helped them choose their future.

Unable to contain my mouth anymore, I spoke up first - "Are you applying for Engineering, here?" I asked. I noticed how his eyes twinkled, at my question. Did he get excited at this question?? Is that really it?? I found it strange, but decided to let it go. He went on to share the issue he has been facing and the details of it. No wonder he seemed a have a lot on his mind.

Though I dint want to influence his decision, I just quickly responded, asking him to go for a course he wouldn't regret choosing. Really Arthit?? Is this your best suggestion for someone who trusted you enough to share what's bothering him? I was a little frustrated with myself, because I didnt know why my mind went blank, after seeing him.

He seemed to be in a daze, to even acknowledge what I said. But since it was almost time for my classes, I decided to leave, after bidding him a quick bye. On my way to my class, I couldn't help but wonder what would his decision be, though it's really early for him to decide. He still has 2 years before he joins and he might not even join this college. Trying to push his image away from my brain, I decided to focus on what's next.

Except, that was not what happened. The warmth I felt, when he smiled, the twinkle in his eyes, when I spoke, his daze when I left, all had enough impact on me, to think about him the entire day. Towards the end of the day, a realisation hit me. Bless my stupid brain! I did not even ask him his name! Way to go, boy! Wayyyy to go! So much for finding him damn attractive. With that, I decided to drop the entire topic, because I did not want to become a pseudo, crushing on a highschooler.


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