Chapter 15

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Arthit's POV (cont.):

I ran towards my Kong, as fast as I could. I did not want to waste any more second, away from him. I know there are a lot of things that have to be settled tonight.

As soon as I reach his room, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar. When I peeped in, before entering, what I saw, was the most cutest scene, and I am never going to forget it, for the rest of my life.

Kongpob's POV:

I hated whatever was happening, right from the start. She could be anyone, but nothing gives her the right to dismiss me like that. If only she knew, who I am!

What is even more surprising is how P' froze everytime something that needs his attention, happened. Is he living in Antartica? Why does he freeze so much? I was cursing under my breath and put up a fake cough, to get his attention. I did not feel like asking him anything directly, right now. When he finally realised I was still around, he introduced that girl to me.

Childhood friend? How come I have never heard of her before? And what is a childhood friend doing here, all of a sudden? My thoughts were running wild. But just when he was about to let her know who I am, just when I my grin was starting to grow, she cut him off, and declared that she's going to borrow him for a few hours. Like what??? What is even happening here?

First, they ignore me, second she just oversteps all our plans and third she doesn't let any of us talk! And dinner plans??? P'Arthit and I still don't miss our dinner dates, since the first time we started eating together. How could she just claim my dinner time?! I don't want to share my time with him, with anyone.

Hold up - P' is cooking??? I dint even know he could cook!! That was the last straw, that snapped for the day. When Namtan tried to pull him away, I really wanted to smack her brains out of her head. She is really crossing all the lines now, I thought. But when I saw P' walking along, I realised may be she is someone special to him and I admitted defeat.

I genuinely didn't want to spoil their time together. If P' hasn't mentioned anything about her, he must not have seen her in a long long time. I tried to reason out his actions. That is why I rejected his offer to join their dinner, though I spoke in a much harsher tone, than required.

I did not like the fact that he chose to have his dinner with her, opposed to our usual custom; though I'll make an exception today, I am never letting this happen again, I thought, and called Em, asking him to accompany me to buy some things at a store near by.

After a while, I came back to my room, freshened up and looked out through my window towards my boyfie's room, to see if there was any sign of Namtan, though I knew nothing much would be visible. I let out a huge sigh and turned around to see what I can do, to kill some time, when I received a text message that said "Where are you, babe?". Though this is not the first time he called me that, given the situation, it seemed extra special.

I was having a small inner dance, before I could respond to the text. I just looked out of the window once again, to find Namtan climbing into a taxi. I quickly responded to his text, and rushed towards the door. Though I was happy that he's coming to me as soon as Namtan left, I still have some bitter feelings about this evening. I opened the door a little and went back to my desk, with a big big pout.

I wanted him to know that I was not pleased and decided to show it straight up. I could hear footsteps getting louder as the seconds pass by. Is he running? I blushed at that thought, but managed to go back to my pouty face. As soon as he walked in, he stopped abruptly and gave me his flashy smile, with his big round eyes and his deep deep dimple, which was how deep I was in love, with that smile.

"Too happy, aren't we?" I teased him.

"Of course! To see you sitting here like a giant baby, I am more than happy!" he responded cheekily.

"Don't you dare baby me!" I said, sternly.

"I am sorry, Kong! It's not like I had planned all of this without telling you. You saw it yourself, it was a surprise visit". he said with extra stress on the word surprise.

"You know that is not what I am angry about!" I shrugged.

He took a deep breath. "I admit my fault! I should have told you before. I didn't think it was necessary, because I love your cooking. I just have some basic survival skills" he answered, without even asking if that was what I was angry about. I let out a slight smile, realising that he knew me so so well, but quickly bit my inner cheek, to suppress my smile.

"I don't know P'. I hated the fact that she knew more about you, than me. I hated it that she could pull you away from me, just like that. And I absolutely hated the fact that you chose to have your dinner with her, than me!" I said, trying to sound as angry as possible.

It might seem as childish reasons to others, but after being babied so much for the first time in my life, I found it really hard to let go of it, even for one evening.

"Who told you I had my dinner with her?" he asked, pulling up a bag, with a few boxes in it. "I am never giving up on our dinner time, no matter what! I thought we already agreed to it? But you had your dinner already, didn't you?" It was his turn to pout.

"No, I didn't." That's it! I couldn't suppress my smile anymore. We quickly ran into each other's arms, when we realised that we have been waiting to eat with each other, as always. God! I love him so much!

"I just went with Em to buy a few things and came right back." I told him, before he could ask.

"I did cook for her, but I told her about us and our dinner rituals, which she happily understood." he said, before I could ask him.

"Let's eat, I am hungry." he said.

I got up to set the table. He hugged me from behind and said "I'll do all the work today. Time for some extra pampering!", to which I happily obliged. He gave me a light kiss on my nape, and ran towards the table.

He must be in a really good mood, to initiate intimacy like this, I thought, but did not question him at all. I just wanted to enjoy it as much as I could.

We sat opposite to each other and started eating. "Is there anything else I don't know about you?" I asked, circling back to our evening happenings.

"First of all, no - there is nothing else you don't know. And secondly, you are the only one who knows me truly. Even Nam doesn't." his answer confused me.

"What do you mean? You have been friends for decades, how can she not know who you truly are?" I asked.

"Because I simply chose not to show" he said, as a matter of fact.

Looking at my confused face, he elaborated.

"Nam knows me as a perfect gentleman, because that is how I chose to be around her. I was extremely anti-social, when I was a kid. I am sure I wasn't a pleasant person to be with. But in spite of that, she stayed with me, which made me want to treat her the way she deserves to be treated. So, I was a very considerate, well mannered person, with her, who didn't have any picky habits, except for my temper, which I couldn't really control." he paused, looked at me and continued.

"So, what I am trying to say is, only you know who I actually am, what I prefer, what I think and how I react to things, and what is truly in my heart; and no one else does. Happy, now?".

I was more than just happy. I was ecstatic. It was such an honour, to have such exclusive rights. Nothing felt more perfect than how we are. The bitter feelings I had, were long forgotten and our love ran deeper than yesterday.

"And, yes - I am not letting anyone else pull us apart easily, but just make sure to stay right by my side, all the time!" he said with a winky smile. Oh! I am in love with him, all over again!!!


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