Chapter 20 [Final chapter]

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Kongpob's POV:

Today is my P's last day of internship, and I was ready to execute my surprise for him. I witnessed how hard he worked over the last 6 months, which increased my respect for him, by at least 10 folds.

I had asked my friends to help me execute what I had planned, to which they gladly agreed. My plan was to arrange for a small dinner party - for my P' and his friends, without letting my P' know. I had asked all of his friends, to keep this from him, and they too readily agreed. I decorated our space, got us good food, including everyone's favourite, as always.

When I called my P', he said that party will get over by 7pm, so he should be home before 7.30pm. Everything was ready, as expected, and we were waiting for him to enter. And when he did, we all shouted "Surprise!" at the same time, getting as cliche as possible. But he loved the whole idea and was really happy.

We greeted everyone, spoke about how life was, before we started eating. The evening simply flew by, leaving P' and I alone, to move on to the next part of my plan - an intimate night. I had set up everything in our bedroom, and also our bathroom, which I expected him to love.

After a really long time, we were able to laze around, after dinner, so I wanted to prepare a warm bath for him to relax. During the previous party, when everyone were around, I sneaked into the bathroom, to get things ready, just the way P' likes.

As soon as we cleaned up the kitchen and living room, I hugged him from behind and asked him, "Did you like the surprise, P'?". He turned around, gave me a lingering kiss and answered with a mighty yes. I was happy, that he liked what I did, but was more anxious about the next part. I closed his eyes with my hand, and led him into the bathroom, which was filled with scented candles, in the shelf, and bath bombs, in the tub of warm water.

I let him open his eyes, which were filled with gratitude, as soon as he saw what I had arranged. "Have a warm bath, P'. I'll wait for you outside." I said and turned around to leave, before which he caught me by my sleeve and said "Join me for a bath, Kong. It's been ages since we relaxed together like this." Because I had a few other suprised planned for him, joining the bath was not a part of my plan. But when the invite was out, I grabbed it with both my hands.

"Are you sure, my butter ball?" I asked, with a playful wink. "Forget it if you don't want to!" he said with a sly smile and attempted to turn away. But before he could, I caught him from behind, and started kissing his nape and shoulders. Soon, we were making out, in the tub, until the warm water turned cold.

Once we were done, P' settled down, his back against my chest, and we were talking, to out hearts content. He told me about how he met my dad today, and the offer my dad has extended to him. I know it was a big deal, to get a job offer, from the CEO himself. It was only a testimony to my P's performance.

As the night progressed, we decided to dry ourselves and hit the bed, and also decided to sleep in tomorrow, as it was a Saturday.

I got out of the tub first, took a quick shower and dried myself, when P' took a longer shower. Once I got dressed, I started preparing for the last surprise of the day. As discreetly as possible, I tiptoed across the bedroom, to arrange the flowers and candles, and placed a box at the centre of the arrangements.

Once P' came out, dry and completely dressed, I asked him to close his eyes again, and walk slowly, towards our bed.

"Another surprise, Kong?" he asked me playfully, though I know how much he loved surprises.

"Yes, P'. The last one, I promise." I answered.

When he opened his eyes, he teared up a little, looking at the arrangement, and asked me "Is it what I think it is?" trying to hold back his happy tears.

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