Chapter 16

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Arthit's POV:

After Nam's visit, everything went back to normal, added with a dash of romance. We were getting more and more comfortable with intimacy, but both of us didn't stretch beyond a line, and we were okay with that.

Slowly, our dinner dates ended with spending the nights with each other, filled with a lot of cuddles and kisses. Everyone who mattered to us, gave us their full support. Since we were practically glued together all the time, it did not take long for the entire college to know about us. We did receive a few funny and werid glances, when we walk together, once in a while - but we were as callous, as it could get. My Kong taught me to be stronger than all that!, I thought, as we walked with our heads held high.

Before we could realise, the entire year had rolled out and I was already a final year student. The more we discussed about our future and jobs, the more weight seemed to get added to our shoulders.

Everyone were dubious, about our careers and future, but we all still held on to our hopes. It felt as if we were suddenly pushed into becoming an adult, and we weren't ready for it, yet. Having Kong around, was like having an entire army of soldiers behind me. He eased any insecurity or apprehension, with just a smile or a warm hug. His warmth kept me going, quite literally.

One of the weekends, after a few weeks into our 4th year, we were going around, submitting our applications, to various companies, for our internship. It was a tiring day, wherein we had to climb up and down several companies, with copies of our resumes. A few companies were very polite and professional but a few just asked us to submit all our profiles in a drop box, at the entrance and leave.

When we had visited all the companies we had in our mind, we were so ready to get home. Since my dorm was the closest to where we were at, my friends decided to swing by, for a quick break, before retiring for the day. And as expected, when we entered, Kong had set up a table full of refreshments, not only for me, but for my entire gang.

We have never cried so happily, before. Those snacks and drinks were exactly what we needed, and Kong just had it all. And the best part of it was that, he even expected my friends to join, since he had got them their favourite food and drinks as well. He's such an observant, that he even knew what each of their favourites were. His thoughtfulness knew no bounds.

"Kongpob, in case, any day, Arthit decides to let you go, always remember, that I am right here!" Bright declared, loudly.

"Shut up, before I throw you out!" I responded quickly, when everyone started laughing.

"Me too, any day!" Tootah added, for which he earned my glare.

"Me three! We can all just live together, forever." Prem pitched in.

"I am never inviting you guys ever into my room again." I said.

"You better take good care of him, then!" they all added, as a finishing touch.

"I know that, you don't have to tell me!" I murmured.

"Thank you for all this, Kongpob! And also for taking care of Arthit so well" Knot added, the only one who dint come under my wrath.

"It's nothing much, P'. Though taking care of P'Arthit can be a handful", he said, with a sly smile.

"Now, I am just going to throw everyone out." was all I could say.

After a tiring day, unwinding like this, with my friends and the love of my life, is all I need in this eternity.

After a few days, we started getting calls from the companies we had applied for. The first call I received, was on a Saturday morning, when Kong and I were lazing around in his room. It was from one of the biggest plastic manufacturers, in Thailand - Siam Polymers.

I swiftly attended the call, collected all the details and came running to Kong, excitedly, to give him a hug. We were soo happy that I got the internship. When he asked the details, I told him everything I had asked the HR of Siam Polymers. But at the mention of the company name, his face fell, something I totally did not expect.

"What happened, bun?" I asked. Something must definitely be wrong. He was super happy that I got the internship just 5 secs ago.

He took a few seconds to collect his thoughts. I realised this was the first time we were discussing about the companies I applied with. Since there were quite a few, we didn't exactly go through the list. I was waiting for him, to speak up, and when he did, I didn't know what to say.

Kongpob's POV:

Right! Of all companies in Thailand, it had to be Siam! How should I take all this? I sighed. P' was still looking at me, expecting an explanation. I really didn't know where to start or what to say. We haven't spoken much about our families before, because our universe was always centred around each other. We were all that mattered, to us.

I tried to explain the situation, a 100 different ways, in my mind, but I realised that none of it will lower the blow. I didn't even know what I should prepare myself for. I took a deep breath, and started with -

"Congratulations, P'. I know you will work with all your might and perform really well. You are really a hard worker and a smart worker, so you'll find everything easy." I didn't know how exactly to approach the topic, so I was beating around the bush.

"Kongyy! What exactly are you blabbering? Get straight to the point!" he urged.

Okayy.. can't evade it anymore!

"It's actually my dad's company, P'. I didn't think you would apply there." I just put it out, plain and straight.

I didn't even know his eyes could get that large. He was shocked beyond words.

"It's okay P'. You got into it on your own merit. So it's all good. And if you are uncomfortable, I can stay away, from the office, so that you wouldn't be put in a spot." I tried to reason with him.

He did not respond at all, for a few minutes. I was growing more and more anxious, not knowing what's going on, in his mind.

"I don't know what to say, Kong. It's a lot of information, to digest. I know I got the internship on my own merit, because you didn't even know I had applied there. So it's not about that...." he stopped without completing his sentence.

That is when I understood, he was taken aback because he though I was from an affluent family. The social parity was what was bothering him, I guess. How do I fill this gap? I did not really think about it, because it never bothered me. I was taught to look at people without being judgemental or any societal blocks. But how do I explain all of this to him?

After contemplating our thoughts, we both just let things be, for now. We will take one step at a time, we decided. Though we moved on from there, it felt as if P'Arthit was still unconsciously stuck somewhere. There was a lot of uneasiness in the air.

"Boo! What's on your mind? Why aren't you sharing it with me?" I asked, unable to contain myself; and that is when all hell broke loose!


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