Chapter 17

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Kongpob's POV (cont.):

He had silent tears, when I asked him what's on his mind. I couldn't understand what made him cry. I haven't really seen him cry before, and so I felt like an unarmoured soldier in a battlefield, until he started talking.

Arthit's POV:

"It's my dad's company, P'" he said and I just got stuck there.

His dad's company? Siam Polymers? That only means Kong and I are from two completely different worlds, all together. I knew his dad owns a company, he told me that, but I did not imagine it to be Siam.

When I realised the difference in status between us, I couldn't stop worrying about the future of our relationship. We had a solid foundation, built only around us. We did have little conversations about our families, but nothing in detail.

I know, that my parents will be okay with our relationship, because they did not hesitate to support my uncle, when he needed help. And I assumed Kong's parents would be fine too, since he really didn't seem to worry.

But being the only son to such a opulent family, will they be okay if their son gets married to a guy? What if they are the traditional type, who are more focused on heir and such?

I couldn't bear the thought of letting Kong go, but I also started having self doubts, about my future with Kong. I know, I told him not to think about these things, because I genuinely felt that we were perfect for each other - I still do - but I am not sure what kind of influence his parents would have.

I couldn't stop myself from fretting. How could I? What was a happy moment of my life, turned around to be the most worrisome, in a matter of minutes. I want to talk it all out, with Kong...but how? What do I say? How do I say things without offending him? It's not like I don't have confidence in him or our relationship, but whatever the future held, I wanted both our families to be genuinely happy.

When he asked me what was on my mind, I knew I had to bring it all out.

"If you are from such an affluent family, will your parents accept our relationship?" I started with the most important question, trying to phrase it as simple as possible.

"What does my family got to do with our relationship?" he quizzed. Did he really not understand??

"What do you mean by that? Do you not want your parents' acceptance?" I asked.

He was visibly confused and asked - "And why do you think they won't accept us?"

"What if they want you to have your own children in the future?" I asked, looking at my toes, in a feeble voice.

"Look at me, my muffin!" he said as he lifted my chin with his index finger; caressing my cheeks with his thumb. "My parents are way more modern than you think. Besides, they already know about my sexuality and do not have any issues about it. I came out to my parents before joining college, and they happily accepted me for who I am." he disclosed.

When he said that, the tears I was holding back, fell freely. I wanted to cry - happy tears, knowing that, now there is nothing that can separate us. I gave him a tight bear hug. He gladly took me into his loving arms, and held me for what felt like a decade. I cried and let out all my worries, and he stood there, silently taking all my worries in and comforted me. What will I do, without my Kong, I really didn't know, didn't want to know!

After a while, we were back to our lazy selves, getting ready for our week ahead and out of curiosity, I asked him - "Kong, I remember you told me that I influenced you to chose Engineering, and also that you would explain it to me later...tell me about it now". I saw a bit of panic in his eyes, and somehow it excited me.

Kongpob's POV:

When he told me what was worrying him, I wanted to smile, because I could feel how much he loved me. Luckily, I came out to my parents before joining college - P'Arthit evidently being one of the main reasons. I did not tell my parents about him, but somehow I felt, if I got another chance to meet him, I would definitely pursue him. So I wanted to clear my coast, before taking the plunge.

And when he asked me about why I chose Engineering, I panicked!! I thought he would have forgotten about it by now and so wasn't really prepared to answer it.

I cleared my throat, for another round of confession. "It was because I was attracted to you, the moment I saw you. Even though I was a high school student, I knew my preferences pretty early in life. So when I saw you, I recognised the turmoil in my heart and was so smitten by you, that I decided to join this college, and your department."

I knew my simple confession would make both of us, blush to no end, and that is exactly what happened. Both of us turned into a beetroot, not even a tomato. He didn't know how to respond to what I said and so decided to show it instead.

Everytime he tried to initiate a kiss, his expression would change to a unique one. So unique, that I could recognise it, the instance he showed it. So right when that expression came up, both of us leaned in, at the same time. It was a passion filled kiss, with no hurry whatsoever. He held my nape with his right hand and deepened his kiss, while I held on to his waist, with my right hand, trying to pull him closer to me.

We stopped to look at each other, briefly, and P' said "Same here!" and that was all I needed, at that moment. We went back to claiming each other's mouths, with a lot more involvement, than before. Slowly, his hand moved from my nape, to my waist, and I wanted to snake my hand into his shirt, but was a little hesitant to do so. Noticing my stalling, he pushed my hand, with his free hand, giving me a green signal.

Though I understood what it meant, I wanted his vocal consent, about what was about to happen next. "Are you sure, Boo?" I asked him, wanting an immediate response.

"More than ever!" he responded, and I didn't need to be told twice. We reconnected our kiss, and slowly started moving towards the bed. Though I did dream about this moment more than once, the reality was much much better. That night was thoroughly spent, in making love, in every sense.


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